Principal Message

Term 1 - Week 6

From the Principal’s Desk

A Week of Athletic Excitement at Mitcham Primary School

This week at Mitcham Primary School was filled with athletic excitement for students of all ages. On Wednesday, Grade 3-6 students showcased their skills and determination at the Bill Sewart Athletics Track in Burwood, competing with zeal and fair play. Meanwhile, on Thursday, the younger students from Prep to Grade 2 had their own thrilling mini carnival on the school's sports field, where sack races stole the spotlight and brought laughter and joy. These events wouldn't have been possible without the invaluable support of dedicated parent helpers, whose involvement made everything run smoothly. A heartfelt thank you goes out to each of them. Additionally, a special appreciation is extended to Laura Ellis, our exceptional PE teacher whose guidance and enthusiasm made the athletic fun possible. It was a week filled with camaraderie, achievement, and fond memories for all involved at Mitcham Primary School.


NAPLAN Testing: Understanding and Support at Mitcham Primary School

As we approach the next two weeks, we wanted to inform you about an important event taking place at our school and across Australia: NAPLAN testing. The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a nationwide assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9. Its purpose is to assess student progress in literacy and numeracy skills essential for success in school and beyond.


It's essential to note that NAPLAN is not something to stress about. At Mitcham Primary School, we view NAPLAN as an opportunity for students to showcase their learning in a supportive environment. It helps identify areas of strength and areas that may need additional focus, guiding our teaching practices to better meet the needs of our students.

During the testing period, our dedicated teachers will ensure students feel comfortable and prepared. We encourage parents and guardians to support their children by offering encouragement and maintaining a positive attitude towards the assessment process. Remember, NAPLAN is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to assessing a student's progress and abilities.


At Mitcham Primary School, we value the holistic development of our students, and NAPLAN is just one aspect of their educational journey. We are confident that our students will approach the testing with confidence and resilience, reflecting the excellent education they receive here.


If you have any questions or concerns about NAPLAN testing, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we can ensure our students feel supported and empowered during this assessment period.


The Cyber Safety Project

At Mitcham Primary School, we are eagerly anticipating the upcoming annual visit from The Cyber Safety Project. Scheduled sessions on Tuesday 12th March will engage students in Grades 1-6, fostering vital skills and habits for safe digital citizenship. The Cyber Safety Project is committed to a holistic approach, emphasising the development of future-ready skills, lifelong habits, and self-regulation in navigating digital technologies for various aspects of life. In today's increasingly digital world, the importance of their mission cannot be overstated. We recognise the significance of their approach in supporting the comprehensive and innovative use of technology across all year levels at Mitcham Primary School. Attendance at these sessions is so valuable for our students as they navigate the digital landscape with confidence and responsibility.


Quiz Night Fun 

On behalf of the Mitcham Primary School community, I want to extend my gratitude to those of you who attended the Mitcham Primary School Quiz Night at the Mitcham Bowling Club last Saturday. Your presence and enthusiastic participation made the event memorable and enjoyable for everyone.


We also want to express our immense appreciation to our generous sponsors for their invaluable contributions and donations towards making the Quiz Night and Silent Auction a success. Your support is instrumental in helping us achieve our fundraising goals and providing enriching experiences for our students.


We are thrilled to announce that, thanks to your generosity and support, we were able to raise just short of $2000 at the Quiz Night and Silent Auction. This achievement is a testament to the strength of our community and the collective effort of all involved. I would like to extend an additional thank you to our ‘FUNdraising’ Coordinator and Quiz Master, Aysha Rowe who has worked tirelessly to rally other volunteers and to coordinate the events. Aysha has already turned her attention to organising the annual Easter Raffle and Mother’s Day stall, please keep an eye out for information about these events.


Once again, thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to Mitcham Primary School. Together, we continue to make a positive difference in the lives of our students and enrich their educational journey.

Wishing all families, a wonderful long weekend!


