
Vermont Secondary College

Parents of students across Year 7 through to 10 will be receiving notice via Compass across the coming weeks of upcoming workshops and productions that external providers will be coming into the school to run. These events will be covering themes that students are reporting are impacting on their wellbeing , their confidence and their connections with each other.


In Term, 1 Year 8 students will be receiving a workshop around cyber safety how to make safe decisions online and how to help each other when things go wrong.

In Term 2 Year 7 and 9 students will be viewing a production around friendships, bullying and help seeking behaviour. This production will be followed up with an in-house workshop by student managers – the aim of which is to strengthen these relationships and reinforce the messages of the production.


In Term 2 Year 10 students will be receiving a workshop around relationships and consent and in Term 3 or 4 workshops around wellbeing and mental health.

These are exciting opportunities for our students to receive information and support around challenges that young people today and their friends are at times experiencing and supporting each other around. We encourage parents to be speaking with their young people as these events occur and use them as an opportunity to enter into discussion around these themes. Any parent with questions around these workshops are encouraged to speak with their young person’s student manager or myself (Leesa Moar) to discuss.


In addition, Well Being will be running across Term 2 and 3 a number of support groups aiming at supporting students to develop skills around coping with anxiety, healthy decision making and developing positive skills around leadership and connection with their peers. Please keep an eye on Compass for these opportunities.

Questions around any of the above can be directed to myself on moarl@vermontsc.vic.edu.au