P&F  Association and 

School Advisory Council



Committee Members

President - Joanne Ward

Vice President - Kylie Wanschers

Secretary  - Claire Hammond

Treasurer - Bernadette Garratt

BBQ & Catering  - Christine Fittler


Upcoming Events

20 March P&F AGM 5pm in staffroom

Upcoming - Hot Cross Bun Drive




Our first meeting of the year will be held on Monday, 11 March at 5:30pm in the Staff Room.


The School Advisory Council has responsibility to advise in the following areas.


7.1.5 Development of local strategic plans (finance, buildings, resources) and contributing to diocesan educational strategic planning.

  • The development of the Catholic identity, ethos and mission of the school.
  • The pastoral care strategies in the school community.
  • Promotion of the school in the local community.
  • Ensuring compliance with regulations by school associations and committees such as the P&F.
  • Development of local strategic plans (finance, buildings, resources) and contributing to diocesan educational strategic planning after projects are prioritied by Armidale catholic schools board and armidale catholic schools leadership team
  • Facilitation of school community responses in conjunction with Catholic system leadership,  engaging with governments on school funding and other relevant issues.
  • Other matters as requested by the Principal or Parish Priest.


P & F Meeting - AGM 20th March 5pm Staffroom

The P & F plays an important role in building community by organising social events and supporting the school through fundraising activities. I encourage everyone to become involved in the P & F Association. On 20th of March the Annual General Meeting of the Parents and Friends Association will be held. Please consider undertaking a role on the Executive:

  • President: 
  • Vice-President: 
  • Secretary: 
  • Treasurer: 
  • Sub committees - Social Events, Discos, BBQ, Fete, Class Parents ...

The P & F Association recognises and values the role that parents/carers play in the education of their children and aims to strengthen the partnership between family, school, parish and the wider community for the benefit of the faith formation, development and learning of all the students at the school. 


Please read the roles in the attachments below.