From The Principal

Dear parents, students, families and friends,
We are half way through the season of Lent and our journey towards Holy Week and Easter. Here at school we have been focusing on the important elements of Lent; Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.
Prayer - We pray each day, asking God for help, thanking God for the blessings in our lives and praying for others. Prayer is important because it develops our relationship with God.
Fasting - We give up things to test ourselves and build up our resolve. I have heard about some of the things our students have given up for Lent such as screen time, gaming or being grumpy.
Almsgiving - Each class has a Project Compassion box that is slowly being filled over Lent. These will be collected after Lent and used by Catholic Mission to help those most in need in the poorest parts of our world. The money collected from our Pancake Day will be donated to the Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal.
Over the past two weeks we have farewelled Fr Trac and welcomed Fr Werner to our school and parish communities. On Wednesday we gathered with Annunciation Primary School and Corpus Christi School to celebrate mass, share a sausage sizzle lunch and participate together in tabloid sports. Fr Werner celebrated mass with us for the first time and then joined us for the sausage sizzle. The students had lots of fun participating in the tabloid sports. It was great seeing the students from the three schools interacting. Hopefully lots of new friendships were made. A very big thank you to our parent volunteers - Chris, Amber, Kate, Merryn and Loan for helping to cook and servethe sausage sizzle lunch. They did a wonderful job.
A reminder about the optional after school Youngpreneur Program that will be offered next term if we get enough interest. Please see the link below for details.
Students are to wear their Sport Uniform twice a week. On Tuesday or Wednesday when they have their Physical Education Class and on Friday. This must be the School Sport Uniform, whether that be the old uniform items or the new uniform items being phased in. They also wear their House Colour T-shirt on Fridays. The House Colour T-Shirt must be a plain colour with no other prints or designs such as animals, dinosaurs, cars or cartoon characters. Basketball singlets, soccer or footy tops are not acceptable.
With some of our senior students there seem to be so odd uniform items sneaking in. Over the next few years there will be two acceptable types of uniform - the old uniform as it is slowly phased out (check dress, grey shorts, grey trousers and grey windcheater) and the new 2024 uniform. Our official supplier is Academy Uniforms, however for non branded (no logo) uniform items you are free to purchase these from other retailers such as Kmart, Target, Big W or Best & Less.
Black sports shorts are not acceptable. Soccer shorts are not acceptable. Coloured stripes or panels on shorts are not acceptable. Hoodies are not an acceptable item of school uniform.
A reminder that any long hair needs to be tied or pulled back using either headbands, hair clips, hair ties or scrunchies.
Optional Instrumental Music Program
After much hard work I have been able to re-establish an Optional Instrumental Music Program for St. Augustine's. Tuition will be available for guitar, drums and keyboard. The program will begin in Term 2.
Tuesday 12th March - Family Picnic 5.30pm to 7.30pm
Wednesday 13th - Friday 15th March - NAPLAN Testing for Year 3 and Year 5 students
Friday 15th March - Working Bee 4.00pm to 6.30pm
Saturday 16th March - School Open Day 12pm to 2pm
Wednesday 27th March - Journey to the Cross from 12.00pm
Footy is back!! How good is it??
I have to say - Go the Mighty Blue Boys!! What a win and what a come back!! Though, my heart was in my throat when Big Harry lined up to take the winning kick for goal!! The video below is for all the Blue Baggers in our school community.
Kind regards,
Matthew Stead