Mrs Mary-Jane Guest


Fourth Week of Lent

Memory is 26 years old and lives in rural Malawi. As the eldest child in a low-income farming family, Memory had to take on many household chores and farming activities to support her parents. They struggled to pay for Memory’s school fees and school supplies, and Memory often had to walk to school barefooted. 

With the support of Caritas Australia and its partner the Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM), Memory was able to enrol at a technical college where she learnt technical skills in carpentry. She undertook a three-year carpentry course, with CADECOM supporting tuition and boarding fees.

Memory became the first female carpenter from her village. Today, she works as a carpenter at one of Malawi’s largest hydroelectric power stations. With the income from her job, she can provide financial support to her family and inspire other young women in her community to succeed in a male-dominated industry. 

Please give generously to Caritas Australia this Lenten season and help vulnerable people around the world, now andfor all future generations.

You can donate via the QR Code which links to the Holy Trinity Project Compassion donations. Each class also has a Project Compassion box which students are donating money to.


Christian Living Day

Next Monday and Tuesday, 18 and 19 March, Year 7 (Mon) and Year 10 (Tues) will participate in the Christian Living Days run by The Young Lasallian team. Both these days are at school, students are encouraged to wear plain clothes and they can order chicken and chips for lunch!

Lasallian Youth Ministry offers opportunities for young people to discover the fullness of life through innovative experiences of faith, service and community. It aims at empowering young people to use their gifts in the service of others. These Christian Living Days are an important part of our school mission and towards the care of the spiritual welfare of each student.

A note with further information has been added to Compass.

Crazy Hair Day

Students are invited to get crazy with their hair next week on Friday 22 March and bring in a donation to support Project Compassion. Looking forward to seeing all the crazy hair creations!

Sacred Heart Mass Times

6:00 pm Saturday evenings

9:00 am Sunday mornings

Easter Mass Times


Masses & Prayer Celebrations now at 9:30 am on Friday

Please note that all class Masses and Prayer Celebrations will now be held at 9:30 am on Friday's at Sacred Heart Church.

For the Calendar

Term 1 2024

Friday 15 March

No school Mass this week

Monday 18 March

Year 7 CLD

Tuesday 19 March

Year 10 CLD

Friday 22 March

- Year 10 Mass SHC 9:30 am


Have a great week, God Bless

Mary-Jane Guest

Religious Education Coordinator