Mrs Jillian Rainger

Welcome to Term 1 Week 7!

It is hard to believe how quickly this term is going! It is already Week 7. Well over halfway! Easter is during the term this year so Good Friday and Easter Monday will give families a chance for a break before the school holidays start at the end of Week 11.  The last day of the term is a pupil-free day where our staff will be working on our student support framework "Living Well, Learning Well." This means the last day for students this term is Thursday 11 April.


This week is a relatively quiet week as students in Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 are starting the Naplan assessments on Wednesday. These will continue over the coming week. Students who are absent are able to make up assessments. We encourage our students to have a good  breakfast and a good night's sleep to put themselves in a position to do their best.

Congratulations to...

... to our students who represented the school last week at selection trials... we had some students who made it through to the Diocesan teams. 

Best Wishes to...

Our students in Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 for NAPLAN


Coming Up:

Easter Fair

Thank you to those families who have returned their notes to assist with the Easter Fair. Your help is appreciated. We still need more helpers!  

Family Conferences

Family conferences for Years 7-10 will be held across Week 8 and for K-6 on Tuesday 26 March.  


Have a good week! 
