Library News 

COHR Library - "A child who READS will be an adult that THINKS!"

LIBRARY - Term 1 2024


This term the Preps have been introduced to our beautiful Library space. Each week they have a story read, complete a book response connected with the story and the best part is they borrow a couple of books to take home and read with their families.

We have been reading books from authors and illustrators of - Mem Fox and Aura Parker.  The students have been identifying different parts of a book as well as exploring these authors characters and writing and illustrating styles.

Year 1/2:

Our 1/2's continue to enjoy the books on offer in our Library.  Borrowing time is exciting as they get to choose up to 3 books to borrow at this stage.

We have been exploring the books of two new authors: Jess McGeachin and Jess Rackyleft.  Each week we read a new story of theirs and complete an activity connected to the book.  In these books we have been discovering their characters, their traits and how the illustrators draw them and what techniques they use to draw them.  Along with

 Word Patterns in text - rhyming, actions, descriptions and making connections of these to the characters.


Cybersafety lesson revisited how we can be safe online and who are our trusted adults to go to when at home or school or at someone elses house. 

Year 3/4:

 We have focused on how authors make stories exciting by using memorable characters, humour, descriptive language, different fonts or lay out, to name a few. 

Eva Amores and Matt Cosgrove have provided many laughs with their series - Worst Week Ever!   As we listen to the different chapters we certainly are imagining great pictures that go with some of the events in the story as these authors use descriptive language to make this series extremely exciting.


Cybersafety continues with making strong passwords and discussions of privacy when online.


Students are enjoying the many chapter books on offer as well as continuing to choose picture books and venturing into some non-fiction - information books on topics that interest them.

Year 5/6:

We began the term revisiting our responsibilities of being a digital user at COHR. Students are aware of how/when/why they should use our chrome books in all classes and if bad choices are made as in trying to access games or websites when they shouldn't be, that there will be some consequences. 


We have been looking at the mechanics of story writing, how  story ideas are formed, how authors and illustrators work together, conventions and common features of picture book formats.  In particular, focussing on the works of illustrators and the various techniques they use.  Each week we watch a video from Storybox - Storytools where authors and illustrators explain and share their techniques and give out handy tips.  These videos have been great as we get to see and hear from various authors and illustrators, some we know and some we have been introduced to. 


New books that we receive through our monthly subscription box have been shared or promoted to the students to borrow.  Students borrow weekly or fortnightly depending on the type of books they borrow.



STORYBOX LIBRARY - School Subscription

New stories are being added all the time!!

COHR has a subscription for Storybox Library for all our families to enjoy.

Story Box Library
Story Box Library

Access Storybox Library on your Smart TV and enjoy listening to stories on your big screen!

 Log onto Storybox Library and access our school subscription.

 Log in details are.


Username:  cohrstorybox          Password: cohr2020


We look forward to a whole year of reading the many books we have in our library!

Please contact me if you have any questions, queries or suggestions.


Mrs Karen Wakeling


Book Club

A Scholastic Book Club catalogue was sent home last week.  If you are interested in purchasing any books, please return your order form and payment to the office by Tuesday 28th March.  Alternatively, you can pay via credit card through the Book Club Loop at