Nicola Smith - Assistant Principal & Wellbeing Coordinator
Nicola Smith - Assistant Principal & Wellbeing Coordinator
Safe, valued and respected survey
Thank you to over 100 parents/carers for completing our termly Safe, Valued and Respected Survey this term. This survey is conducted with staff, students and parents/carers each term as a ‘pulse check’ on how we’re doing, as we seek ways to improve the experience for all members of our community.
We’re very proud of our results, which saw an increase in positive responses across all stakeholders and most questions.
Highlights include:
Actions for Term 2 include:
Backflips against Bullying workshops
This week, students in Year 1, 2, 3 and 4 participated in bullying prevention workshops with the team from ‘Backflips Against Bullying’. This leads into the Year 5 workshop students participated in this term with the ‘Courage to Care’ team on being an upstander. Both workshops provide students with a consistent understanding of what bullying is and isn’t, and common language to address behaviours which align with our Inclusive Language and Practices Guide and Supporting Positive Behaviour Manual (available on our school website).
Wellbeing curriculum plan for Term 2
In term 2, students will be focusing on the Positive Coping and Help Seeking topics of the Respectful Relationships curriculum. Helping students to learn a wide range of positive coping skills and being able to identify when a problem is too big and they need the support of a trusted adult enables them to cope with future changes and challenges.
This learning will segue into our Sexuality and Consent education later in the term. Students will learn about their bodies, how they function, grow and develop, how to keep them safe and how to have healthy, safe and respectful relationships. This learning is all age appropriate and consistent with the curriculum.
Online safety app for parents/carers
Beacon is a free, Australian made app created to help take the hard work out of keeping up to date with all things online and digital for children and young people. Developed in conjunction with the eSafety Commissioner and Common Sense Media, parents/carers can access quality, expert reviewed material as opposed to relying on your social media feed or news reports. Find further details in this infographic from our inform and empower program.
Harmony day
Thank you to Zoe, Maya, Sienna and Luca who worked incredibly hard to bring our Harmony Day celebrations together last Thursday. They demonstrated incredible leadership skills by planning lunchtime activities and classroom learning experiences for every grade in the school. Well done also to Prep C who won the Harmony Day display challenge!