Classroom News

This is what our students have been up to this week

Class 1/2 with Ellen

Students in year 1 and 2 have been learning all about animals; body parts, how they protect themselves, how they can camoflauge, what environment they live in, etc.

This week students have brought their animal to life.  These are now on display in the locker area of Class 1/2.

French with Steph

Students in 3/4K have been reviewing how to state their preferences as they prepare their "All About Me" bunting.  Last week, students enthusiastically participated in an animals charade game, pretending to be some of their favourite animals and working on the correct sentence structure to both ask and answer questions during the game.

Students in 1/2E reviewed greetings and introductions, presenting a short role play and then beginning on a comic strip.



Preps with Anna

Our Prep students have settled into the routine with Anna's help. We are very lucky in the office to quite often hear singing, laughter, and general excitment throughout the day. As part of their transition in 2023 they drew a picture of themself.  These are on display in the Prep/1 locker area.