Level 2: Connect

A (very) warm welcome to 2024! It has been an incredibly busy first couple of weeks back at school. It has been lovely seeing so many wonderful, happy, cheerful little faces in the doors each day! Please see the below specialist timetables for specialist subjects and daily lunch clubs. Lunch clubs are a wonderful opportunity for students to engage with a new hobby or skill while networking with students from all different levels.
Don't forget, students must wear a hat each day in Term 1! Slip, slop, slap!
Our kitchen garden program has begun with Mr. Marco! Some of our classes have been lucky enough to have our session already.
We made savoury muffins and they were DELICIOUS! It is always fun being in the kitchen, working on new skills and uncovering our inner Masterchef!
Term 1 Homework
This term, students will have access to Mathletics, Literacy Planet and Wushka which will allow them to continue consolidating their learnings while at home. The logins for these will be provided by your child's classroom teacher and will be available for you to access any time.
Nightly readers will begin being sent home on Monday (week 4). Each morning, students will return their books from the day before and swap them over for a new book. This will be apart of their morning routine.
Level 2 Specialist Timetable
Class | |
2A | Monday: Art, LOTE Thursday: PE, Performing Arts |
2B | Monday: Performing Arts, PE Friday: Art, LOTE
2C | Monday: PE, Art Tuesday: LOTE, Performing Arts |
Term 1 Lunch Clubs
Looking ahead...
Over the next 2 weeks, the Level 2's will be exploring the text 'Two Mates' written by Melanie Prewett and illustrated by Maggie Prewett. This book is based on a true story about two friends, Jack and Raf who live in a small town near the Kimberley, far north of WA. Two mates explores the endless possibilities of friendship, through a lens of compassion and kindness. The Level 2's will be continuing to develop their inferencing skills which allow readers to connect what they already know with clues left by the author. Additionally, the Level 2's will also focus on making connections with Jack and Raf and friendships of their own. Two Mates explores themes including disability and inclusion through the true story of Raf and his journey with Spina Bifida. This is a beautiful book and is great for igniting some great discussions at home! Take a tour of the Kimberleys on Google Earth at home today!
Spelling / Reading
We have been busily reviewing our learning from 2023 and begun exploring new phonemes and heart words through daily, explicit phonics sessions. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be continuing to work on the reading skills inferring and making connections through the mentor texts The Unwilling Twin and Two Mates.
Over the next two weeks, the level 2 students will be exploring the concept of subitising through the book, One is a snail, ten is a Crab. Subitising is an extremely important math skill which enables students to harness their creativity and explain how they see numbers in an efficient way.
Subitising is also closely connected to the big idea 'Trusting the Count', which is about students trusting their number facts without having to recount collections. This dramatically increases students math fluency and confidence.
Our first exciting Inquiry unit of the year is History. Students will be looking into how they, their family and their community celebrate events that are important to us. We will also be looking at the history of our school and the significance of how both SEPS and being a primary school student have changed over the years. You might like to have a conversation with your child about how school has changed since you were a student!