Level 6: Connect

Kristy Cullen, Kym Seccull, Richelle Fraser, Anthony Klvac & Trudy Gau

Our Level 6s have made an amazing start to the year, we are very proud of their attitude to their learning and their care and respect for one another. 


Monday's Meet the Teacher interviews were a wonderful opportunity to meet most of the L6 parents and guardians. We are looking forward to working in partnership with you over the year.


Our Annual House Swimming Carnival was an outstanding success on Tuesday. It was fabulous to see so many students dressed up, cheering their House on and participating in the races. Waratah was the winning house. There is a meeting this Friday to determine the team for the District Swimming competition, which will take place later this term.


Class Representatives

Each class needs a class representative, if you are interested could you please email the office to express your interest and availability.


Level 6 Camp

Please mark in your calendars the dates for the Level 6 camp. Camp Rumbug is from Wednesday the 14th of August to Friday the 16th of August. More information will be sent at the start of Term 2.



Interschool Sport commences this Friday. The schedule has been mailed via Compass. 

Friday 16th of February - Interschool Sport commences – vs Hampton.

Friday 23rd of February - Interschool Sport vs Brighton Beach

Due to ratio requirements, teachers will be looking for chaperones to accompany teams to matches. Again, please email the office to let us know if/ when you can help.


Student's Personal Devices 

Just a reminder about devices, students must hand in all mobile phones and smart watches to the office before 8:50am. 


Laptops, Diaries & Homework

  • Please support your child by ensuring that they charge their laptop every night and bring it to school every day.
  • The students will record daily happenings in their diaries most days, in preparation for secondary school. Teachers will sight and respond in diaries at least once per week.
  • Homework will be distributed this Friday and is due on Monday the 26th of February. Each cycle will include reading, a reading response, an organisational activity and Mathletics. We would appreciate it if you would read over your child's work and sign that they have completed each activity.  There will also be extension activities in reading and maths available for those students who would like to challenge themselves, to obtain these activities they only have to ask their teacher.

Stay tuned for information about exciting writing and maths competitions...