P&F News

This week saw two successful social events.


Primary School Sausage Sizzle – This event was held last Friday and attracted large numbers of families and students, we gave away 180 sausages, thanks to the DIGS team for manning the BBQs.  It was great to see such a diverse group from Djinda all the way through to Year Six.


Kayak Event -  please refer to the DIGS section of our report for more details on this event held on Sunday.  It was a great afternoon, well done to Dave Marshall, Luke Murnane and Manuel Grosshans.


Coming up soon we have our Colour Run which will be held on the last day of Term One.  We are currently planning the course layout and the obstacles for the course.  For the first time since the COVID regulations, families will be able to attend this event and splash their students with colour - it’s always a fun event! We will release more details soon.


If they haven’t already, your year group representatives will be in contact soon to organise some social events, we encourage you to attend and be an active part of our great community at GSG!


Mr Jason Pages | P&F President

Dads in the Great Southern (DIGS) 

Canoeing and Kayaking Afternoon

A sunny and warm Sunday afternoon saw a flotilla of 20 to 25 dads and 35 to 40 kids launch a raid on the newly named "Pirate Island" just downstream from the Lower Kalgan Bridge.  Failing to find any buried treasure, the hordes then returned to their base near the Rowing Club and told stories of their adventures over a few sizzling sausages.  All up it was a very well attended and enjoyable event!


Monthly Meetings

The DIGS group meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 6.30pm to 8.30pm upstairs at the Premier Hotel.  Next meeting will be Wednesday 13 March.


Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

Saturday 16 March the DIGS group has secured an opportunity to run the sausage sizzle at Bunnings and raise some funds for the group's activities.  Volunteer helpers are needed!!  If you can spare around two hours at some stage between 8.00am and 4.00pm then please message David Marshall on 0418 924 176 with your name and preferred start time.


Don't forget to join our private Facebook group 'DIGS at GSG' to keep up to date with upcoming events and activities. Mums are welcome to join too!  And, if you would like text reminders of events then again message 0418 924 176 including your name and the school year(s) of your child / children.


Look forward to meeting you soon.


Mr Luke Murnane, President

0417 944 789


Mr David Marshall, DIGS Coordinator

0418 924 176