Primary School

This week we witnessed Mr Mathew Irving commissioned as our fifth Principal and our Primary School students played key roles in delivering the symbols of the school and giving Bible readings. Well done to Emily, Agya, Wes, Kobi, Poppy and Daniel and a big congratulations to Mr Irving. 

Culture, Engagement and Excellence

What a turnout we had on Friday for our first P&F Meet and Greet for the Primary School. A huge thank you to our hardworking Parents and Friends volunteers and DIGS (Dads in the Great Southern) representatives who cooked and handed out over 150 sausage sizzles and drinks. I hope you enjoyed the opportunity to connect with our GSG families and community and we look forward to building upon these connections throughout the year. 

Friday afternoon was also our first interhouse activities afternoon organised by our Year Six students. Houses were tasked with a singing contest to start off the year. Renditions of the School song could be heard across the campus before judging took place with hotly contested House points on offer. First place was taken out by an in-tune Wilson House who nailed both the lyrics and tempo of the song. Baudin Year Sixes did a brilliant job of leading their House; Camfield nailed the bridge; and Mokare showed their flamboyance.

A big thanks to the Year Sixes, House teachers and Miss Nichols for a fun opportunity to bring together our students from Pre-Primary to Year Six and build our House camaraderie. 


Our Year Two class has been inquiring into our past, learning about toys, school and life in the olden days compared to now. They have also been learning about different forces in Science. The best way to engage in the inquiry process is to learn by doing in the finding-out phase. On Wednesday they did just this with a visit to Mr Crabapple’s 1926 classroom for the morning followed by a play at Eyre Park to identify the forces required to operate/play on the equipment. 


Highlights included Amaya’s mum being punished for having dirty hands, using chalk for the morning, playing old-fashioned games, seeing ‘the cane’ and having a fantastic time learning about forces whilst playing at the park. The students took down notes throughout the excursion that will aid them in the ‘going further’ phase of their inquiry process. Thank you to Ms Diletti and our generous parent helpers for making the day run smoothly. 

School Values – Compassion

ECC Stars of the Week – on display in the ECC foyer, showcase the passion, effort, creativity and academic dedication our students exhibit.


Recipients are as follows: 

Kindergarten – Larni Jefferis 

Pre-Primary – Oakley Pyle

Year One – Max Moir 

Year Two – Callum Jeffery 


This week’s ECC value is 'respect'. Our fabulous Year Six Leaders presented the value by creating two heartfelt short skits that explained it in more detail for our younger students. The students have been enjoying the cooler weather and are well and truly into the rigour of the term. Respect has been shown in various ways through the way students were speaking to teachers and how they were playing with their friends. 


Value award recipients were as follows:

Kindergarten – Rosie Pearce 

Pre-Primary – Soraya Leslie

Year One – Max Moir

Year Two – Callum Jeffery

Years Three to Six Briefing

Well done to the following students who were awarded Values Certificates for respect in Years Three to Six:


Year Three – Ellie Murnane

Year Four L – Appin Rivers

Year Four K – Clare Hartley

Year Five – Xavier Warne

Year Six G – Ruth Toomey

Year Six N – Charlie Stone


After careful discussion, the Brag Award was tabled this week. As a leadership team, the House Leaders found out that trying to monitor respect shown around the school by watching calm and quiet class transitions was very difficult and was interfering with their learning. 


The award will reappear in Week Six to be awarded to the class with the least amount of rubbish in their eating areas at lunchtime. 

Upcoming Events

Week Five

Friday 1 March – Year Six G Class Assembly, 2.20pm start in the Hall. All welcome to attend. 


Week Six

Monday 4 March – Labour Day long weekend.

Thursday 7 March - Friday 8 March – Da Vinci Team is off to Perth with Ms Youens to compete.

Friday 8 March – Primary School Chapel at 2.30pm hosted by our Leaders. 


Enjoy a restful long weekend,


Ms Leah Field | Head of Primary