Year 5/6 Learning Reflection

Dear Families,


Please see below for some snapshots of the last two weeks in Years 5/6!

With NAPLAN fast approaching we have been working with a buddy and using 'process of elimination' to find the 'best possible answer', during Reading and Maths.



Exploring 'time' has seen us creating the March calendar on the floor placing the right numbers in the right place. Quite a challenge to start off with!


The Year 5/6 students have been practicing teamwork and sportsmanship playing tennis, soccer, cricket, basketball or modified games during Interschool Sports each Friday! 



When writing Persuasive texts this term we have been including a lot of different language to persuade the reader.  Our persuasive texts have linked to your Unit of Work where we have been learning about the United Nations 17 Sustainable goals. 



Saving the planet one bird at a time!
Saving the planet one bird at a time!