Year 1/2 Learning Reflection
Students have been creating their own personal 'Zones of Regulation' books. They have been thinking about what strategies they can use when they are in each zone, and what to do to help them stay in the 'Green Zone'.
Over the last 2 weeks, we have been learning about Data. We have been posing questions, collecting data, graphing the results and then interpreting the data.
We are learning to predict before, during and after reading. We use clues from the text and illustrations to make predictions. Our predictions can change as we get more clues.
In Writing, we have been brave writers and are exploring the stages of writing. We have also been experimenting with writing in different genres.
Students participated in a 'Challenge Ourselves Day' where they had to work through collaboratively a range of different activities. We then reflected at the end of each activity talking about our thinking, learning and commitment in each activity. We discussed our strengths and areas we found challenging. Our activities were:
1. Tunnel Ball/hula hoop race
2. Tangrams
3. Lego challenge
4. BlindFold Obstacle Course
5. Make a dream car/house collaboratively