Respectful Relationships

Social and Emotional Learning @ Sunshine Heights Primary School 

Welcome to Respectful Relationships, our guiding light in helping our students and community develop the critical social, emotional and positive relationship skills they will need to know, show and grow themselves and connect positively and respectfully with others. As part of our whole school focus on embedding respectful relationships across our community, we will be sharing here: vocabulary, ideas, information, themes, and strategies that connect to the Respectful Relationships curriculum to develop home-school connections. 




This term the Grade 3/4 students will be focusing on developing their emotional literacy skills and recognising how they and others around them are feeling. Students will also be delving into their strengths and areas that they would like to develop through goal setting.  

Students will also be exploring the Zones of Regulation. They will develop vocabulary around how to express their feelings, as well as strategies to regulate their emotions.