School Spirit

Easter Bonnet Parade and Raffle

We are so excited for our annual Easter Bonnet Parade and Raffle! This will be held on Monday 18th March at 9am in the Hall - the raffle will be drawn at the conclusion of the parade! Please ensure you write your childs name, class and your phone number on the raffle tickets that were sent home this week! 

What is an Easter Bonnet Parade? The Easter Bonnet Parade is a longstanding tradition, when Christians would wear new clothes to church on Easter Sunday to symbolize the renewal of life that comes with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. At St. A's it is a fun tradition where all students are able to create their own Easter Bonnet and then parade it around the Hall with their class! They can be as simple or as lavish as you like - the aim is to have lots of fun and admire all the wonderful creations!

Please contribute to our Easter Raflle by donating items! Anything is appreciated - eggs, bunnies, chocolate, toys etc!! Plese bring to the Office by next Wednesday 13th! 

If you have some free time next Thursday and would like to help wrap up some raffle items - please let me know -

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Supporting the Garcia Family

On behalf of Naletta and the Garcia family we are so grateful to those who have expressedinterest in helping raise funds for their family in their time of need. 

We will be holding a 5k walk on Sunday 5th May with more details to come! Please mark in your diaries for a great family event day with BBQ, lawn games and great community spirit!

St Augustine's Instagram!    Find us: @st.augustine'sprimaryschool

We share daily updates, happenings and what is on for he week - a great source of information, so come and follow us!

 St Augustine's FACEBOOK!    Find us:











St A's Playgroup

Playgroup is back and it is thriving with a new group of wonderful families joining us and with some lovely familiar faces continuing with us this year! Playgroup is a wonderul addition to any young families week with a chance for children to mingle and play with other children and for parents to mingle and catch up! It is also a fantastic addition to transition to School as the children become very comfortable and familiar with St Augustine's before they even commence with us as students! Every session we read a big book, do some movement to music, a craft activity and free play! Come and join in the fun every Thursday throughout each Term!  Please note we will not have Playgroup on our last day of school (28th March as we finish at 1.30pm). Any queries please email: