Middle School

Year 9+10


Important Message For Year 10 Families:

In preparation for work experience, please ensure the school has your most up to date details including:

  • Home address
  • Parent/carer names
  • Parent/carer emails
  • Parent/carer phone numbers
  • Emergency contact name and phone number

We will be printing arrangement forms for all students on Thursday this week, and will use the information you have provided the school to complete the above details.




All year 9 students have the opportunity to take part in the program and start planning their future. Parents/Cares are asked to please login to Compass to provide consent (there is no cost). Click the link below for more information.



Well done to 9A, 9G and 9H on a fantastic week in the city. You had amazing behaviour, excellent questions and positive attitudes through the whole experience.


9D and 9F - Urban Experience Week 5

  • Monday: Period 4 - Assembly in the theatre. Period 5 and 6 - Preparation sessions in normal classes.
  • Tuesday - Thursday: City days
  • Friday: Presentation activities


Week 5Friday 1 Mar period 4Year 10 Assembly
Week 5Mon 26 Feb - Fri 1 MarY9 Urban Experience - 9D, 9F
Week 7Wed 13 MarY9+10 Division Sport
Week 7W 13th - 15th MarNAPLAN
Week 8Mon 18th Mar - 22nd MarNAPLAN
Week 8Mon 18th MarchY10 Be Wise Program 
Week 9Tue 26 - Thu 28 MarY9 Morrisby Careers 


Congratulations to the following students who have been noted on Compass with a green post to celebrate their academic achievements:

  • Alana Hartinger -VCD
  • Tom Engler - English
  • Matt Mcdonald - English
  • Sinead McKenzie - Studio Art Photo digital
  • Nate Jenkins - Excellent participation in Urban Experience
  • Nahmen Bhasin - Great questions on the MCG tour
  • Nicola Parker - Outstanding photography skills on Urban Experience