Learning and Teaching

STEM Family Night - 30 October 7-8:30 pm
LS3 Junior Sciene Incursion - Hands on Science
This term LS3 juniors have been exploring the question, ‘what are my responsibilities for creating a healthy and balanced environment?’ We have been exploring and observing the seasons and weather patterns around us.
Iman from Hands on Science (a real life scientist!) worked with us to discuss the weather patterns and weather phenomena that occur in our environment.
We were engaged in creating and making clouds in our experiment. We discussed how tornadoes and cyclones are formed and made one with bottles and water. We also learned about erosion and this was demonstrated in an experiment using sugar cubes and water. We have had so much fun learning and observing weather here in LS3.
Rebecca Xavier
LS3 Junior Teacher
Learning Space 3 Seniors
Our senior students have embarked on an exciting journey through space, beginning their exploration of the solar system. But this week's highlight was our excursion to Scienceworks, where interactive exhibits and immersive experiences deepened their understanding of our place in the Cosmos.
Students have begun to build the connections between Earth and the rest of the Solar System, gaining valuable knowledge about planetary motion and orbital patterns. This hands-on experience has sparked their curiosity and will enrich their ongoing science learning.
This learning experience will serve as a springboard for students, as they explore further into the science behind the Earth, Moon and Sun’s relationship with each other and the balanced orbital rotation of the planets around the Sun.
Some thoughts for our students:
Student: Alyssa R
I really enjoyed the Planetarium because there are 2 movies that I enjoyed. I learnt that the Earth is on an angle, leaning at 23.5 degrees. It was fun to do the wheelchair race. I came first twice. |
Student: Isaiah M
I enjoyed racing against Cathy Freeman because it challenged me to run faster each time. I learnt that you can see many things other than stars in the sky, such as planets and constellations of different animals. It was fun to watch videos in the planetarium and see the evolution of sport. |
Students: Martin
l enjoyed the ‘Planetarium’ and the sports area because we got to race Cathy Freeman.I bet her 1.59 seconds, so everyone was so amazed. My friends wanted to dare me many times, and I still beat them a lot of times that people called me, “The best man”. |
Tanya Petersen
LS3 Senior Teacher
On Monday, October 21st, the Regional Athletics competition took place at the Casey Fields Athletics Track in Cranbourne. St. Francis DeSales Primary School had only one participant, Andi, who advanced to the Regional Athletics in both the 1500m and 800m events.
On a bright and sunny day, the conditions were ideal for a day of competition. Andi participated in the 1500m, the inaugural event of the day. She was familiar with many of her fellow competitors from past years. The race remained competitive for the majority of its duration; however, in the final 80 meters, Andi accelerated towards the finish line, ultimately securing first place.
Andi engaged in a swimming session to aid her recovery from the 1500m event, as she prepared for the 800m, the final competition of the day. The 800m race proved to be a close contest, as she found herself neck and neck with a student from Ryton, the same individual she had triumphed over in the 1500m. Nevertheless, Andi's determination shone through as she accelerated in the final 20 meters, ultimately securing victory and setting a new Regional 800m record.
We take great pride in your achievements, Andi! Wishing you the best of luck at the State Athletics Championship, scheduled for Wednesday, November 6th, at the Lakeside Stadium in Albert Park.
Lulli Barbakos
Physical Education Teacher
What a fantastic incursion LS3 Seniors and LS1 AO and ½ MG had today! The RSPCA facilitators were fantastic and our students learnt a lot about what the RSPCA does to help animals.
Grade 5 students will begin their Bike Education Program later this term. They will remain on school grounds completing cycling skills and simulations.
All parents should have given permission by now to allow time for planning. If you have not given permission please do so as soon as possible. Also indicate on Operoo if your child does not have a bicycle and helmet. The bike and helmet safety check should have been returned to Home Group teachers by now. If you have not yet returned them and your child is using their own bike and helmet, please do so by Monday.
Another great week of swimming! Students had a great time and are learning lots of new skills in the water and becoming more confident. Thank you to all the SFS staff who helped the program run smoothly. A big thanks also to the parents who assisted the Juniors in the change rooms. We greatly appreciate it.
A reminder to parents that swimming times change slightly next week if you are intending to watch your child at the pool or you are assisting the Juniors in the change room. Timetables have been uploaded onto the Operoo permission form as an attachment. Please print it off and ensure you have it available at home.
Swimming days and times:
Week 4 - October 28th
Week 6 & 7 - November 11th, 18th
Pickup SFS | Drop off Casey Race | Swimming Time | Pickup Casey Race | Drop off SFS | |
Session 1 LS1 Juniors | 11.30 | 11.45 | 12.00-12.45 | 1.00 | 1.15 |
Session 2 LS1 Seniors | 12.15 | 12.30 | 12.45-1.30 | 1.45 | 2.00 |
Session 3 LS3 Juniors | 1.00 | 1.15 | 1.30-2.15 | 2.30 | 2.45 |
Week 4 - October 29th
Week 6 & 7 - November 12th, 19th
Pickup SFS | Drop off Casey Race | Swimming Time | Pickup Casey Race | Drop off SFS | |
Session 1 LS2 Juniors | 11.30 | 11.45 | 12.00-12.45 | 1.00 | 1.15 |
Session 2 LS2 Seniors | 12.15 | 12.30 | 12.45-1.30 | 1.45 | 2.00 |
Session 3 LS3 Seniors | 1.00 | 1.15 | 1.30-2.15 | 2.30 | 2.45 |
- Please note there is no swimming in Week 5 due to the student free day on Monday November 4th and Melbourne Cup Day Holiday on Tuesday November 5th.
Please ensure your child is wearing their bathers under their sports uniform and brings a bag with their towel, undergarments and thongs. It would be great if all students come prepared for their swimming lesson so that our office staff don’t need to take up valuable time ringing parents to bring students’ swimming gear.
Parents please note you are welcome to attend Casey Race to view your child’s lesson but photographs and videos are not allowed and only parents who have been contacted by me, are able to assist in the junior change rooms.
A reminder to parents that swimming is an important part of the PE curriculum and all students are expected to attend. It’s imperative that students know how to keep themselves safe around water. Students not attending swimming because of a medical reason will remain at school in another Learning Space.
Any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sports Coordinator