Mini School Updates

Junior School Update
As always it has been a busy start to Term 4 with students working hard in their Semester 2 subjects and preparing for their end of semester assessments.
Interested students have taken part in the Sports Academy Trials for 2025. It is fabulous to see students working hard to demonstrate their skills to earn a place in next year’s program. Congratulations to those students who successfully secured a place and to those who did not make it in 2025 we look forward to seeing you try out again next year.
The Junior School Team is in full swing preparing for our 2025 cohort of Year 7 students. Form groups will be sent out to Primary Schools for feedback in the coming weeks. We look forward to spending the day with our 2025 Year 7 classes later next month.
We have several upcoming events over the remainder of the term, with lots of opportunities for students to take on new experiences and challenges.
Year 8 Tech School Excursions
Our Year 8 students will soon head out to the Tech School for hands-on learning in STEM, offering a chance to develop practical skills in a range of exciting fields. Please check Compass for details.
Headstart to 2025 Classes
From 2 December in preparation for the upcoming school year, students will have the opportunity to participate in Headstart classes. This transition program will introduce them to their 2025 classes and curriculum and provide a great start to their studies. The College expectation is that all students participate in Headstart - normal attendance procedures should be followed during this time. We encourage all students and families to consider what learning materials they will need to start their new classes and come to school prepared.
Statewide Orientation Day
Date: 10 December
This orientation day welcomes our 2025 Year 7 students to Lowanna. Students will be with their Year 7 form group for the day and participate in a day of classes. It’s an exciting chance for students to get acquainted with their new environment, make some new friends and be introduced to some of their 2025 teachers and subjects. The Junior School Team will be cooking a BBQ for students on the day.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your students' progress or program for next year, please feel free to contact the Junior School Office on 5127 9240.
Kristy Bannister
Junior School Leader
Middle School Update
The Middle School Team would like to acknowledge how well our Year 9 students behaved in their Morrisby Assessments - hopefully these assessments will help plan for their future subjects and career path.
Our Year 10 students have showed respect during their Teen Mental Health First Aid classes. This course taught students how to provide initial peer-to-peer support to a friend or classmate who might be experiencing a mental health problem or mental health crisis, until professional help is received, or the crisis resolves. Students have learnt about the signs and symptoms of common mental health problems in adolescents, how to recognise and respond to an emerging or worsening mental health problem, and the interventions and supports available. We hope that they took away some valuable skills to assist them in life.
Our Middle School Camp to the Gold Coast leaves on Monday the 4th of November and returns on the 8th of November. Students and staff are excited to attend the theme parks and for some students it will be the first time on a plane. We wish them well and hope they have a fabulous time.
I would like to remind parents and students that we are approaching our end of year exams. Year 9 students will sit both English and Maths exams on the 28th of November and Year 10 students will sit exams for all core subjects starting on the 22nd of November until the 28th of November. There will be a letter sent out closer to the date explaining how the exams will run and when students are expected to be at school during this period.
After the exams we will begin the Headstart program. This program will run for two weeks and will commence Term 1 2025 work. This program is compulsory for all students to attend, failure to do so will result in students who do not attend being removed from popular subjects. The first week of Headstart is also the only time that subject preferences can be changed by students. Please note that as our numbers are very tight not all changes can be guaranteed.
Across the entire College, we have a strong focus on attendance and ensuring as few absences as possible. Evidence indicates that poor attendance can affect student outcomes, as well as many social factors. Please ensure that you contact the school if your student is away, either by entering their absence on Compass yourself or by contacting the Middle School Office on 5127 9246. If you require assistance with your Compass login, please contact the school.
As a Middle School we have been focusing on three basic objectives for students; to arrive on time to classes, to have all required equipment and to be respectful of others. These objectives have been very successful, and staff have found they have assisted the students learning and achieving higher outcomes.
Daniel Board
Middle School Leader
Senior School Update
As we approach the end of the school year, it’s hard to believe how quickly time has flown! We hope that students and their families enjoyed some well-earned rest over the holidays. It’s been fantastic to see students return this term with smiles on their faces, ready to make the most of the term ahead. Many of our Year 12 students dedicated the first week of their holidays to revision lectures and practice exams, demonstrating commendable focus and determination.
Research continues to show that completing practice exams plays a key role in improving performance across subjects. We encourage students to review the feedback provided by their teachers and continue working through past exam papers. Even tackling just one or two questions per study session can build confidence and reinforce learning—there’s no need to always complete full exams in one sitting.
Our Year 12 students have now finished all coursework, TAFE assessments, and work placements, while those in the VCE stream are in the final stretch, sitting their last exams. It’s been wonderful celebrating their time at Lowanna with various events, including a staff and student dinner, farewell lunch, assembly, and the ever-popular Celebration Day. This occasion gave students a chance to relax, reflect, and share memories with their peers.
Our Year 12 students sat their English exam on Tuesday the 29th of October, and we are very proud of the way they showed up and stayed and gave it their best effort. The VCE exam period will end on Tuesday the 19th of November for our students. We look forward to commemorating this significant milestone at the Graduation Evening, scheduled for Friday the 22nd of November at Turfside Function Centre. The event kicks off at 7.30pm, and tickets are available now from the General Office.
Meanwhile, our Year 11 students are wrapping up final assessments and gearing up for their exams, which include an aptitude test for our VCE-VM students. These exams offer invaluable practice, helping students manage exam nerves and fine-tune their revision strategies – skills that will serve them well as they transition to Year 12. If students need support with study techniques or stress management, they are encouraged to reach out to their teachers, the Senior School Team, or the Wellbeing Team.
We are also thrilled to introduce our 2024 College Captains: Alaynna Abuan, Zoe Cotter, Daniel Edebohls and Haylee Wilson. These students were selected through a rigorous process that included a written application, speech at a whole school assembly, interview, and voting by students and staff. We are certain that these student leaders are well-prepared to represent and guide our college through next year.
Behind the scenes, we are finalising the timetable for next year, working to accommodate as many student preferences as possible. Students will receive their class schedules before the Headstart Program, which runs from Monday 2 December to Friday 13 December. Booklists will also be available at this time, though there is no expectation for students to have their texts ready for Headstart. This period is an essential component of their academic year, giving students an opportunity to engage with new subjects, understand expectations, and get a head start on 2025 learning. Attendance is critical to ensure a smooth transition into the new year.
As we round out 2024, we encourage students to stay focused and committed to their studies. We wish you all a positive and fulfilling final term and look forward to supporting and encouraging you in achieving your goals.
Nicole Taylor
Senior School Leader