College Updates

Breakfast Club
Come along to Breakfast Club, every school morning in the dining room from 8am!
General Office Opening Hours
Please be advised that the General Office is open 8am-4pm Monday- Thursday and 8am-3.30pm on Friday's.
Canteen Menu
Please find attached the Term 4 Canteen Menu. A reminder to order 'pre-order lunch items' at recess or via Compass. The canteen takes Compass payment and cash, no eftpos facilities are available.
Term 4 Assembly
In Week 2 the SRC and School Captains facilitated a whole school assembly where students heard from Ms. Julia Niamh, our new Acting College Principal, and listened to the 2025 School Captain candidate speeches. It was a great way to welcome students back to school for a busy Term 4!
2025 College Captains
Congratulations to Daniel Edebohls, Haylee Wilson, Alaynna Abuan and Zoe Cotter who have been elected as our 2025 School Captains.
Year 12 Celebrations
Year 12 students enjoyed Celebration Day in style recently. Students had lots of fun, and we are sure it is a day they will never forget. We wish our Year 12 students sitting exams all the best as they prepare and study over the next few weeks. We look forward to celebrating with them next month at their Graduation Night.
Year 12 students enjoyed a Graduation Assembly in their last week of school, and it was wonderful to recognise them as a college community.
Year 8 Science
In Year 8 Science students have been learning about chemical reactions. 8D Science was finding out what happens when you mix full cream milk with vinegar. The students noticed that the milk started to curdle and 'was very gross looking'. Overall, they had fun, until Ms Calderwood squished some of the curd to show them how cheese was made.
QLD Camp Reminder
Middle School Camp is fast approaching. This is an important reminder to students attending camp to arrive at the college bus loop no later than 4.30am next Monday morning (4 November) to ensure an early arrival at the airport. Please check Compass for more information.
Important First Aid Reminder
Dear Parents/Guardians,
There have been several students visiting First Aid asking for Panadol. The school is not allowed to supply Panadol to students. If your student requires Panadol, please supply it alongside a Medication Authority Form (below).
Thank you,
Michelle Dodkins
First Aid Officer
Air Cadets Roundup of 4Wing Annual Parade
Several Lowanna College students recently participated in the Statewide 4Wing Annual Parade, held at the Royal Australian Airforce (RAAF) Base Williams in Point Cook.
There were 28 Squadrons from across Victoria present over the weekend, including the newly formed Music Squadron, where approximately 1,900 students and 300 staff were in attendance.
The weekend commenced with conclusion of their annual fundraiser Flying Fit, which raises funds for the Starlight Foundation. As part of Squadron 424, our students had won three State awards; Most funds raised for the Starlight Foundation - $7,648.00; Most funds raised by an individual - $3,418.00; and Most Creative Fund raising Squadron.
The Sunday consisted of a formal parade by all Air Cadets to their families and friends, who were supported by the Royal Australian AirForce (RAAF) Band. This was followed by an Expo that featured a variety of services and aircrafts from Ambulance Victoria, the SES, the working dogs of Boarder Control, and the Royal Australian Forces (RAF). Also, the RAAF Museum and all their hangers were open for public viewing.
Our young people were very impressive to watch with their stances, timing of movements, their precision in marching and uniforms. They were professional in presentation and in the way they conducted themselves. They were fantastic ambassadors for the 424 Squadron and our local community.
Squadron 424 is supported by students from Lowanna College, Kurnai College, Trafalgar High School and Yarram Secondary College, where transport is provided to the venue. Some students travel weekly from as far as Warragul and Drouin by train to Morwell.
New enrolments are currently being taken for 2025.
For further information email: Address: Kurnai College – Morwell Campus, 44 Bridle Road, Morwell Hours: every Friday from 1pm to 4:30pm Bus leaves Lowanna College at 12 noon.
Arts and Music Update
Year 9
Year 9 ceramics students have been learning about structural integrity with building larger scale clay architectural pieces.
Year 12 Art Creative Practice
Artist Statement
My name is Emily Kealy, and I am a Year 12 VCE Art Creative Practice student. For my final artwork I wanted to create a work that was close to my heart but also impactful and relevant to viewers which led me to exploring the plight of the Australian Brumbies and the consequences of human destruction. I wanted to use the advantages of colour, or lack of, to create emphasis and better convey the dread and destruction of a cultural icon and how it is draining not only the land but also people’s culture and love for horses.
Art Exhibition and Soiree
We are excited to host our Art Exhibition and Soiree on Tuesday the 12th of November at the college. We can't wait to welcome our community to the college from 6.30pm to enjoy our students' artwork, followed by a musical soiree.
Almost Archibald Competition
The Almost Archibald Competition is now open until the end of Week 5! We encourage students to submit a portrait to Mrs. Snowdon for their chance to win a prize.
Maths Competition
Earlier this term we had three teams of Year 9-10 students attend the Maths Games Day. Nine teams competed from three schools, and one of our teams came second on the day! The students had fun, and it was a great way for them to challenge themselves and use their mathematical skills in a fun setting!
Debutante Ball 2024
Last term a number of Year 11 students attended the Debutante Ball at Gumbuya World. The night was filled with dancing, food and good memories being created. We hope that the students and their families enjoyed the evening and thank you to everyone involved in organising the event.
Italian Excursion
Last term our Year 9 Italian students experienced some Italian culture close to home, enjoying an Italian café experience at Brunetti’s Cafe, lunch at an Italian restaurant and viewing some Italian art at the National Gallery of Victoria on a personal tour of their Italian collection.
Below are some student comments about their experience.
‘A highlight of the day was the Italian waiter who made us order our lunch in Italian, and congratulated Emma on finishing all her pizza at ‘Il Tempo’ restaurant.' - Connie.
‘The (authentic) gelato was delicious and so were all the 8 slices of pizza that I managed to eat.' - Meika.
‘I really enjoyed the tour (at the National Gallery of Victoria) and found learning the stories behind the artworks extremely interesting. I had a wonderful day that was filled with fun and amazing experiences.' - Emma.
Koorie Graduation Dinner
Earlier this term a special dinner was held to celebrate Koorie students who completed their Year 12 studies, featuring certificate presentations and inspiring guest speakers who shared their journeys from school to their current paths. We are proud to celebrate our students Lucy Ger-Pau, Ricky Mentha, Seth Rowbottom and Tristan White.
Pictured are Ricky and Seth who were in attendance receiving their awards with Acting College Principal Julia Niamh and their families.
Laptop Reminder
An important reminder regarding 2025 laptops. Order by the 24th of November for delivery to the college by the 9th of December.
Order by the 31st of December for delivery to the college by the 20th of January 2025.
Devices ordered by the 24th of November will be delivered, prepared and made ready for pick up before the end of the year. Devices ordered by the 31st of December will be made ready for collection at the start of Term 1, 2025.
Footy Tipping and SuperCoach Competitions
Congratulations to the following students and staff who won the Footy Tipping and Supercoach Competitions last term.
AFL Footy Tipping (Students):
3rd place overall and highest ranked student - Campbell Moncrieff
4th place overall and 2nd highest ranked student - Korbin Andrews
6th place overall and 3rd highest ranked student - Shaun Brodie
SuperCoach (Students):
1st place overall and highest ranked student - Brodie Atkins
5th place overall and 2nd highest ranked student - Jack Donelly
AFL Footy Tipping (Staff):
1st place overall- Tom Kelly
2nd place overall - Mrs. Rachel Smithson
SuperCoach (Staff):
1st place overall - Mr. Mike Santo
2nd place overall- Mr. Scott van Dyk
Cows Create Careers
Congratulations to our students who won the Latrobe Regional Cows Create Careers Award! They displayed an amazing level of responsibility and care for the calves while they were at our school and submitted a high-level project about the risks to health and injury that occur on farms and ways to limit those risks and potentially save lives. The students worked well as a team, and they did a great job!
Save the Date - Presentation Night
Our Annual Presentation Night is going to be held on Wednesday the 18th of December. Please save this date as it is an important night to celebrate student achievements throughout the year. More information about the night will be communicated via social media and Compass closer to the date.
Tenpin Bowling Championships
Last Friday we had eight students who participated in the first School Sport Victoria Tenpin Bowling Championship. Well done to the two teams who took part. They represented the college well and were great sports cheering each other on.
Courage to Care Incursion
Earlier this week Year 10 and 11 students were involved in an incursion facilitated by Courage to Care. The Upstander Program that was delivered is aimed at educating the students on ways to respond to racism, prejudice, discrimination and bullying. The Upstander Programs promote acceptance of diversity within our community and inspire participants to become Upstanders.
The program was delivered by a team of skilled and dedicated volunteers, and it featured inspiring testimonies from Holocaust survivors/family members. Through these stories the students gained insightful and real information from first-hand accounts. Students worked in small table groups to brainstorm responses to scenarios and discussed their responses as a part of the larger group.
Upstander Programs encourage participants to become aware of their potential to make a positive difference, and offer practical tools for standing up against racism, bullying and prejudice by empowering participants to take positive action – in the schoolyard, workplaces, and in our communities. Students in Years 10 and 11 are studying Freedoms & Rights and the program embedded some of the students learning into practical scenarios.
Football Success
Congratulations to Year 12 students Ricky Mentha and Alix Tauru who were included in the 'Footy Factories Top of Class' feature in the Herald Sun paper on the 31st of October. It was great to see the boys included in the feature, as well as seeing Lowanna College listed as a 'leading school for draft prospects' alongside a number of prestigious Victorian colleges.