Principal's Update

There has been much to celebrate during the first four weeks of Term 4, and I would like to congratulate all students for returning from the holiday break with enthusiasm, being positive learners in the classroom and actively engaging in many of the extracurricular opportunities on offer at Lowanna College.
Congratulations to our Year 12 students who have completed their VCE and VCE-VM Certificates. The VCE exams commenced with English on Tuesday, and it was pleasing to see how students prepared for, and conducted themselves during the examination. We wish all students the very best for the remainder of their exams.
I would also like to commend and thank the Year 12 students for the respect that they showed their peers, teachers, staff and community during the end of school celebrations. All students embraced the opportunity to see out their final days of school with maturity and were able to create many unique memories of their time at Lowanna College. I look forward to meeting the families of our Year 12 cohort at the Year 12 Graduation Evening on Friday the 22nd of November.
I would like to acknowledge our 2024 College Captains, Lachlan Wallace, Brooke Hunter, Oakley Vickery-Howe and Stephanie Nowell, for the way in which they represented and led our student cohort throughout the year. Having worked in many schools I feel confident in saying that the way in which the 2024 captains demonstrated key leadership skills such as equity of voice, respect and collaboration with their peers was very impressive. I would also like to congratulate and welcome our 2025 College Captains, Daniel Edebohls, Haylee Wilson, Alaynna Abuan and Zoe Cotter, and I am looking forwarded to watching them develop into inspiring young leaders throughout 2025.
Term 4 is an important time for all of our students. Students in Years 9-11 will be finishing off their coursework and preparing for the end of year exams and I encourage all middle and senior students to seek the support of their teachers to learn ways to revise and prepare for exams. Our Year 7 and Year 8 students will also be working diligently in class, finalising their units of work prior to stepping up during the Headstart Program. Being in class, to ensure continuity of learning is crucial and, therefore, I would like to remind all students and families about the importance of attendance. Families can find additional information about the importance of attending school and ways to support your student to go to school via this following link
I would like to invite all families to a community forum which will be held at Lowanna College on Monday the 25th of November from 6pm-8pm. The purpose of this forum is to provide our community with the opportunity to share their perspectives as to what they feel is working well at the college, as well as areas for improvement. I am keen to strengthen the relationship between our school and our families to create exemplarily learning and experiential opportunities for our students, so your feedback is very important. A light supper will be provided on the evening with further information to be published via Compass, the Lowanna Facebook and Instagram pages in the coming week.
I would like to take this moment to thank all students, families and staff for welcoming me into the college and I am looking forward to working alongside the Lowanna College community to continue our commitment to high expectations.
Julia Niamh
Acting College Principal