Important Dates

Administration Hours:
Monday to Thursday 8.15am - 4.15pm
Friday 8.15am - 3.45pm
Phone Number: 5484 1844
Monday 21st-Tuesday 22nd - OES Canoe Trip Year 11
Monday 21st - State Athletics Carnival
Tuesday 22nd - Project ROCKIT Year 7-9
Tuesday 22nd - Wednesday 23rd - Year 12 Dress Up day
Tuesday 22nd - Art Club - Ceramic Christmas Deco's Session 2
Thursday 24th - Year 12 Breakfast
Thursday 24th - Whole school assembly to farewell Year 12's
Thursday 24th - OE Bike ride - river track
Friday 25th - Mural Artwork - Session 2 with Neva Takele
Monday 28th October-Friday 1st November - Year 10 Sydney Camp
Tuesday 29th - VCE ENGLISH Exam 9am to 12.15 pm (All exams held at the 4 R's)
Friday 1st - Biology Exam 9.00am - 11.45am
- General Maths Exam 1 2.00pm - 3.45pm
Monday 4th - Professional Practice Day - STUDENT FREE DAY
Monday 4th - Psychology Exam 9.00am - 11.45am
- General Maths Exam 2 2.00pm - 3.45pm
Tuesday 5th - Melbourne Cup Holiday
Wednesday 6th - Maths Methods Exam 1 9.00am - 10.15am
- Business Management Exam 3.00pm - 5.15pm
Thursday 7th - Maths Methods Exam 2 11.45am - 2.00pm
- Physical Education Exam 3.00pm - 5.15pm
Friday 8th - Final day for parents/carers of Year 12's to purchase Formal tickets
Monday 11th-Friday 15th - Year 9 Queensland Camp
Tuesday 12th - Immunisation Introduction Clinical Service Team 12.30pm
Friday 22nd - Year 12 Graduation - Rich River Golf Club, Moama