Student Wellbeing

Talking to your child about stranger awareness
Stranger awareness is an age-appropriate warning to children to be cautious around people they don’t know. It reminds children not to interact with people who aren’t familiar to them.
Stranger awareness is a matter of teaching rules that keep them safe from unfamiliar adults, such as:
- not wandering away from safe and trusted adults.
- not talking to or sharing personal information with strangers.
- not accepting rides from people they don’t know.
- not opening the door to their house to people they don’t know.
- not accepting presents from people they don’t know, like food or toys.
- keeping their distance from unknown adults.
- knowing what to do if a stranger approaches them or makes them feel uncomfortable.
You want your child to be safe, but not anxious. Aware of their surroundings, but not living in fear. Confident that they can go out and face the world, but not be reckless. Now is the time for parents to talk to their children about stranger danger, as we prepare for the summer school holidays and Christmas gatherings
Deputy Principal & Wellbeing Leader
Deputy Principal & Learning Diversity Leader