Education in Faith

Advent - Week 2
This week we celebrated the Second Sunday of Advent.
On the second Sunday of Advent we read in the scriptures about John the Baptist, Elizabeth’s son and Jesus’ cousin. John speaks to the truth of God. God is near. God is coming.
In this Gospel, John the Baptist teaches people how to prepare their hearts for Jesus. He tells them to share what they have with those in need, be fair and honest in their work, and avoid bullying or greed. John reminds them that someone greater than him—Jesus—is coming, and they must be ready to welcome Him by living with kindness and integrity. John’s message challenges everyone to reflect on their actions and choose to live in ways that reflect God’s love.
St Vinnies Christmas Appeal
Thank you to our families, who have donated to our St Vinnie's Baskets. It is wonderful to see our home groups, staff and the SMCM community contribute to a hamper for the St Vincent de Paul Society. We are looking for donations of food, toiletries and/ or gifts for those who would be doing it tough at Christmas.
Education in Faith Leader