Praise and Prayer Points
Praise Points
- For great connections with our local community and business through the Real World Connections Day
- For growth in our numbers across the school and all the new families who have joined us
- For the long weekend and time to rest and enjoy time with our families
- For all the events that are running across both campuses of our school
- For the CEN school network in Tasmania and the close relationships that we have between our schools
- Thankful for our student leaders who organise school events
- Thankful for opportunities to celebrate our students
- Thankful for our grounds and maintenance staff
Prayer Points
- For those families in the school that are struggling with health issues
- For the school year to end well and for fabulous learning to take place over the remainder of the term
- For the safe arrival of Mr & Mrs Melville's baby
- For successful school events to take place over the coming weeks
- Year 11 and 12 students as they prepare for and sit their exams
- Year 12 students as they prepare for their graduation events
- LEGO League teams as they prepare for the regional competition on 16 November at UTAS
- Emmaus Christian School - Canberra
As a school, we like to pray for both our school and the wider community.
You are invited to join with others in our community in prayer, each Monday morning at 9.00am - 10.00am Ulverstone Campus. Please sign in at Reception.