Science News

The Year 8 and 10 students have been working very hard revising for their final stage examinations this week. They have been given revision work booklets for each Term of work so hopefully they will be able to show what they know and understand during the exams.
Next on the agenda of learning for Year 8 is the Chemical changes unit. They will look at different reactions in the lab and will be able to see the signs that a chemical change has taken place. This will be a great opportunity to develop respect for chemicals and make sure that the safety sheets are read and understood.
Next on the agenda of learning for Year 10 is a physics unit on waves that is so relevant today, since we are bombarded with radiation from the sun and also from the computers and phones that we work with every day, just to mention a few sources of waves. This radiation can have beneficial and harmful effects so it is better that we are aware of these.
The Year 7 are presenting their hard work this week on Classification where they researched 2 to 4 animals and the ecosystem where they live. With all their understanding on adaptations, they then designed and drew their own animal with characteristics that could better suit the environment. We are looking forward to seeing the creativity and explanation of their animals and ideas. Students will finish off the term with a study of mixtures in Chemistry and then they will look at their responsibility when protecting and caring for the environment.
Year 9 have studied the cycles such as the water and nitrogen cycles and now they will look at Global Systems. It is very important for this area to understand the La Nina and El Nino cycles and causes and what it means for the crops, prosperity, dangers and world food supplies. Students will gain a better understanding of the implications of climate change and the natural cycles that play out over geological time.
Our seniors have started their HSC courses and are all eager to do well and work hard. The science courses of Chemistry, Biology and Physics that are offered at Marian, have 4 Modules of work that will be examined at the HSC exam. If students start now and give their study consistent effort while working cooperatively with their teachers, they can achieve their personal best with as little stress as possible given the enormity of their task.
This is a short term with lots to do and enjoy. Unfortunately, we had to cancel the Drones that were to visit Marian because we didn’t have enough time to organise but they have promised to show up next year so we will offer that experience again then.
If you are looking for a great Christmas gift, I would like to suggest a subscription to Double Helix, the CSIRO Science magazine. It is an excellent gift and supports science education. Your child would love receiving a magazine and would enjoy reading the articles on the current science and doing the activities.
Our thoughts and prayers are with our Year 12 students who are doing the science HSC exams this week.
We all hope for a good paper and a good result. Many of them have early entry into the universities in science degrees so this will support the success for further study. We wish them every success.
Best wishes
Esther Dumbleton (Science Leader of Learning)