Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community,
Dear God,
We give thanks for your Creation. As caretakers of our planet, Mother Earth, we ask for your guidance when taking care of all living things; plants, animals, forests. oceans, birdlife, species of all kinds in danger of extinction, and human beings. We ask you to give us strength. Amen
Parade College Soccer Tournament
'Unfortunately we lost all the games we played. On the other hand, however, we had a lot of fun and we were proud of the way we acted as sportsmen. Thank you so much Mark for giving us this special day!' Mason Macuach, Year 4
'I really enjoyed playing all the matches even though we lost. I liked that I became friends with people from other schools, such as Holy Name. We also got to have lots of fun times throughout the day'. Massie John Khamosh, Year 4
New School Crossing
Thank You
New Out Of School Care Provider
As mentioned in our newsletter previously, I was contacted whilst on my pilgrimage that we will be one of the first schools that Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools will take on the responsibility for our Before and After School Care with MACSEYE. I have contacted Youth Leadership Victoria to notify them that their contract will end at the conclusion of the 2024 school year. As I get more information about our new provider MACSEYE I will share it with the community.
Grill'd Northland - Donation to Sacred Heart
I was premature in announcing our sponsorship with Grilled Northland for the month of September. It is actually during the month of November. As mentioned in previous newsletters, Grill'd Northland have chosen our school as a community partner. During November all customers are given a token to place in the jar of the community partner they would most like to support. The community partner with the most tokens is given a valuable financial reward. As someone who likes his burgers, I can recommend the Grilled Zen Hen!
Please see our Community News page for an exciting offer from Grill'd!
After School Cricket Clinics
Our first clinic starts next Monday 28th October, 2024. If you are interested in your child participating you can still register online.
Karate Classes
Yours Sincerely