Catholic Identity

Leader: Katie Rasmussen

Socktober Day – Making a Difference, One Sock at a Time!

Our school community recently came together for Socktober Day, led by our Catholic Identity Leaders. Students wore their most creative and crazy socks while contributing a gold coin donation to support Catholic Mission’s work.


Our Catholic Identity Leaders took charge by visiting each classroom, sharing valuable information about the mission and values of Catholic Mission. They highlighted the role we all play in ending poverty and emphasised the importance of teamwork and collective action. Their message was simple but powerful: when we work together, we can make a real difference.


To add a fun element to the day, a soccer shootout was held during lunch, reinforcing the theme of "Sock It To Poverty." Students eagerly participated, each kick representing our commitment to a brighter, more compassionate world.


Thanks to everyone’s enthusiasm and generosity, our school raised $83 for Catholic Mission. Congratulations to our Catholic Identity Leaders, who demonstrated outstanding leadership, organisation, and passion throughout the day. Socktober Day was a wonderful example of how small actions can have a big impact – and we’re proud of everyone who participated!


Thank you for your support, and let’s keep the spirit of Socktober going as we work together to make the world a better place!

Here is the third instalment on Graduate Outcomes broken down:

Here is the second instalment on Graduate Outcomes broken down:

This is the installment from last newsletter:

Seven Catholic Social Teaching Principles

Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is rooted in Scripture, formed by the wisdom of Church leaders, and influenced by grassroots movements. It is our moral compass, guiding us on how to live out our faith in the world.


The CST principles which inspire our work are:

  • Human Dignity
  • Common Good
  • Solidarity
  • Subsidiarity
  • Preferred Option for the Poor
  • Care for Creation
  • Participation

Our faith calls us to love God and to love our neighbours in every situation, especially our sisters and brothers living in poverty. Following in the footsteps of Christ, we hope to make present in our unjust and broken world, the justice, love and peace of God.