Community Notices

KDHS and Tongala Health are always striving to improve local health care services for the community.
Tongala Health would like to invite you to our very first Tongala Health Community Forum!
We would love any suggestions or ideas you may have about how we can enhance Tongala Health either through prevention programs, education sessions or more services.
We can’t guarantee that we can fulfil on all of your suggestions, but we can try our very best! This starts with your feedback and community involvement.
If you would like to join Tongala Health on this journey and help tailor a local health service that benefits you please join us on 13th November and share your ideas.
Everyone is welcome to attend even if you don’t currently use our service we would still love you to participate, everyone’s ideas and feedback will be valued and respected.
If you would like more information about this event please call 58 570245