Principal's Report

We've had a big week at St Finbar's with not one, but two year levels heading away on different camps. Both camps were very successful with some tired but happy campers returning on Tuesday/Wednesday afternoon.
I had the privilege of attending the Year 3 camp at The Briars in Mt Martha and it was great to spend some time with the students away from school. For many students this was their first experience of any kind of camp experience. The students were really encouraged to step outside their comfort zone, especially with the giant swing and "Leap of Faith" activity. Camps are often a highlight of a student's time at St Finbar's, they always feature heavily in our departing Year 6's reflections; I'm sure these two camps will be no exception.
Staffing news
I have some more staffing news to share this week. After an incredible 29 years of dedicated service to St Finbar's, Jo Howell has decided that the time is right to retire. St Finbar’s won’t feel quite the same without her. Luckily we still have this final term with Jo, with plenty of opportunities to celebrate her and her time here.
Prep Orientation
It is hard to believe that it is this time again already but we are looking forward to welcoming our 2025 Preps to school for their first orientation session over the next two weeks. We have a large number of siblings starting next year, so no doubt the children are excited to finally have the chance to follow their big brothers and sisters to "big school".
I am very pleased to announce that the Prep teachers for 2025 will be Mrs Fiona Byrne and Mrs Louise Pickering, and they will be leading the orientation sessions over the coming weeks. Staffing for other year levels is still being finalised and will be made public in the coming weeks.
School Closure Day
Just a reminder that we have a school closure day on Monday 4th November (the day before Melbourne Cup Day). Team Kids is operating on this day if you need to organise care for the Monday.
By now you should have received an email about our moving across to the new CDF Pay App. Please see the following attachment as you will need to update your App and log-in details in order to place orders through the Healthy Hut and Uniform Shop.
Take care and God bless,
Michelle Hill