Religious Education & Pastoral Care 

Mrs Trish Mitchell

Assistant Principal & Religious Education Coordinator


many people have served in our Armed Forces to help make the world a more peaceful place. 

We lift them up to you – those who have died and those still with us. 

May our prayer today help bring them and their loved ones comfort, peace and hope. We make this prayer to You in the name of Jesus, the Lord. 



Thank you for the generous money donated to Catholic Mission last week. There was a sea of colourful socks and a fun atmosphere throughout the school. Our donation of $176.10 will assist Catholic Mission to support the Don Bosco Caring Center in Mongolia, a safe home for children who have been abandoned, are homeless, or are fleeing desperate situations. The Caring Center aims to provide hope for these children when they need it most.

Real Talk

The REAL Talk team will facilitate workshops with our Year 4 and Year 6 students this Thursday 7th November. It is important that parents are aware of what will be discussed with their child. Real Talk has therefore provided a link to the parent membership site. Access to all content is free and very beneficial.


WHO IS REAL TALK? Real Talk provides seminars, reflection days and up-to-date resources to young people on topics relating to identity, eSafety, relationships, love, sex and marriage. They speak to over 30,000 students each year and provide resources to support children and their parents.

All Saints Day

All Saints Day is a solemn holy day of the Catholic Church celebrated annually on Friday, the 1st of November. The day was dedicated to the saints of the Church, that is, all those who have attained heaven. Stage 3 celebrated by attending Mass at our Church.

Image: Young Catholics
Image: Young Catholics

Remembrance Day

Our teachers will hold a prayer service in their stages for Remembrance Day next Monday. Mrs Mitchell, Miss Bruce and two Stage 2 students will represent St Joseph's at the Town Hall to lay a wreath in honour of those who have served in the Armed Forces. We remember their sacrifices for the sake of peace, and pause to honour them in reflection and prayer.


WHY WEAR A POPPY? People have been wearing poppies at Remembrance Day for years. This is because red poppy flowers grew over the graves of the soldiers. 

Altar Servers

If anyone is interested in being trained to be an Altar Server at school and weekend Mass, please contact Mrs Trish Mitchell via email: 

HOPe Outreach

HOPe Outreach are looking for additional volunteers to join their team to assist in HOPe’s ministry to the Rural Fire Service. HOPe, will use their food truck to provide meals to fire fighters, support staff, incident controllers & evacuees in fire emergencies around the Diocese. Training in food handling and the operation of the truck is provided free of charge to volunteers.


Can you assist as a volunteer? If you are interested in joining this amazing team, or to make an enquiry about the work of HOPe, please contact Deacon Paul Manvell.


Please follow the link for more information or contact Deacon Paul Manvell - 0418 667 329

Parish Mass Times

Please join our Parish to celebrate the Eucharist. Our Parish offers three Mass times every weekend. 

Saturday - 5:30pm

Sunday - 9:00am and 5:00pm  

Living Well, Learning Well




Yours in Faith,

Trish Mitchell