Student of the Week

Congratulations to last weeks award winners:


Week 6


Olly (Foundation)  showing care and thoughtfulness towards others during learning time, by offering others assitance with their work. well done Olly.

Christopher (34B) Always coming to class ready to learn. You have made a habit of being an organised, responsible and eager learner each day. Keep it up legend!

Anatasia (56B) using her Ready to Learn plan when needed and utilising the strategies to help her de-escalate. Anastasia is demonstrating what it means to be responsible for her own behaviour and the importance of employing a plan to think through problems and finding positive ways to solve them. Congratulations Anastasia, I am really proud of you!



Week 7


Eddy (Foundation) for taking pride in your work. You have been persistent with each lesson, especially while learning the strategies for sharing and division in this weeks maths lessons. Well done, Eddy. Keep up the good work!

Rissa (12B) for showing responsibility for your learning and taking on challenges like a superstar. You have done so well practicing your handwriting and decoding words. Well done!

Matilda (34A) by taking on the responsibility of looking after the chickens. Tilly has overcome many obstacles, mostly (chicken poop) to makes sure the chickens have food and water. You would make a great farmer Tilly. 

Elliot T(34B) Always seeking to do your personal best! I love how self reflective you are, taking responsibility to edit and then produce work to a high standard. Keep it up legend!

Anastasia (56B) for using her Ready to Learn plan when needed and utilising the strategies to help her de-escalate. Anastasia is demonstrating what it means to be responsible for her own behaviour and the importance of employing a plan to think through problems and finding positive ways to solve them. Congratulations Anastasia, I am really proud of you!