Middle School

Gymnastics Program - Terms 3 and 4
Year 7 Students
Starting in Term 3 - Week 7, all Year 7 students will complete three lessons of Gymnastics at Kingborough Gymsports within their PE lessons. The lessons will enhance strength, coordination, and balance through a variety of fun activities using specialist equipment. All sessions will be coached by qualified Gymnastics instructors. Students will travel to and from Kingborough Gymsports by bus and will need to wear their PE uniform, bring a drink bottle and warm clothes.
Year 8 Students
Starting in Term 4 - Week 3 , all Year 8 students will complete three lessons of Gymnastics at Kingborough Gymsports within their PE lessons. These lessons will enhance strength, coordination, and balance through a variety of fun activities using specialist equipment. All sessions will be coached by qualified Gymnastics instructors. Students will travel to and from Kingborough Gymsports by bus and will need to wear their PE uniform, bring a drink bottle and warm clothes.
Reminder - Year 7 Connections Day TOMORROW
7 Fry & 7 Penn - Friday 30 August
For our Connections Activity Day, students will be participating in some sports activities, including:
- Putters Golf (Moonah)
- Eastside Squash (Bellerieve)
- Bounce (Derwent Park)
Students will bus from school in the morning and return to school at the end of the day
Spring Music Concert
Wednesday 18 September
6pm- 7.30pm - The Farrall Centre
The evening will feature:
- Year 7-12 String Ensembles
- Year 7-12 Choirs
- The Senior Guitar Ensemble
- The Wind Ensemble
- and much more!
This is not a ticketed event, we welcome all Friends' School community to attend.
Middle School House Homeless Donation Drive
It has been great to see students begin to donate items that are in most need at the Safe Sleep Space and Day Space. There is still plenty of room for more!
Donations can include: instant coffee, tea, sugar sticks, long-life milk (or powder), snacks and treats, travel-size toiletries toothbrushes/paste, shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, body wash/soap, feminine Hygiene products. Donations can be made at the Middle School library in the allocated House tubs and can be made up until Friday 13 September. Which House will donate the most this time?
House Short Film Competition
Individually or in groups, students are asked to create a short film (3 mins maximum) that promotes the 2024 Homeless Week theme of ‘Homeless Action Now!’ and raises awareness of homelessness in Hobart. Entries are due on Friday 13 September, with prizes up for grabs!
Middle School House Chess Competition
Student House Leaders Max Skala (Mather) and Xavier Cooper (Ransome) are furiously organising the draw for the House Chess Competition. Students will be sorted by ability to ensure that everyone can give it a go! It’s not too late to sign up if we have more keen players!
See Max, Xavier or Essie for more information.
Crochet and Craft Club in the Library
We are starting a crochet and craft club in the Middle School Library. We would welcome donations of any craft items including crochet hooks, yarn, embroidery threads and canvas. These can be dropped off at the Middle School Office or Library. Thank you!
Friends’ School Amnesty Battle of the Bands 2024 - TONIGHT!
Thursday 29 August | 6pm to 9pm
The Friends’ School Amnesty Battle of the Bands is held in The Farrall Centre and will feature student bands from Years 7–12. Entry is gold coin donation and soft drinks will be available for purchase with all proceeds going to the school’s Amnesty group. VET students will cater for the event, with food available in the Farrall foyer between 5pm - 5.45pm.
Attending students are to be dropped off and collected from the venue. This is an ‘in-house’ event for school students and parents only. Any non-school student/adult arriving will be asked to leave, as The Friends’ School cannot accept responsibility for non-Friends’ students. There will be no pass-outs and there are to be no bags brought into the venue by students other than that required by the performers.
School parents are welcome to attend and will be seated upstairs in The Farrall Centre, students (Years 7 to 12 only) will be situated downstairs. We ask that audience members refrain from attending if unwell with flu-like symptoms.
We would love to see you come along and support the students at this evening of musical celebration.
For enquiries, please email Dave Wilson
Father's Day Movie - NEXT WEEK
Tuesday 3 September - 5pm to 6.30pm | The Farrall Centre
All students and their families are warmly invited to our Father's Day event to celebrate their Dad, Guardian, Grandparent or special family friend. This is a free event and is accessible to all students and their families. This year we will be offering a viewing of the Dreambuilders, along with complimentary ice cream and popcorn treats.
For more information, please email our Events and Marketing Coordinator Emma Gilligan
Important Dates
Term 3 | Tuesday 23 July to Friday 27 September
Monday 9 September – Wellbeing Day, as part of Wellbeing Weekend (no K-12 classes)
CLICK HERE to view the School calendar