Around the School

M Cubed at St Bede’s College 20/8/2024 - Student Reflections
Written by Isaac
Last week on Tuesday, 5 people from grade 5 drove all the way out to St Bede's College to do some magnificent Maths.
We had 3 1 hour so minute blocks with 30 playtime in between. There were 4 options with 4 different types of Maths, we all chose exploring the 'E' in STEM.
We were asked to think of solutions for non-sustainable things around our area or city. We thought that petrol cars weren't that sustainable because all the emissions contribute to global warming, so our group came up with a hydrogen powered car. We built the front of the car with the Make Do tools and cardboard supplied. that included the bonnet, hydrogen tank and exterior.
We decided to present our prototype to all other schools and students at the end of the day . When we were leaving they gave us a St Bede's downball as a bonus! Overall it was an amazing experience and I want to do it again.
Written by Jay P
On Tuesday (20th of August) we went on an excursion to St Bede’s about Maths. There were some options of topics (engineering, philosophy, problem solving etc.) to learn about but we all picked engineering. I went with Oliva, Isaac, Mia and Samuel. We were really excited when we got there but nervous at the same time. We had to go see this presentation presented by Dr Denise. We were really engaged in this presentation but before we knew it it was time to get to work. We learnt about how we can make the earth better by not wasting important substances. We had to discuss this and we first thought that automatic taps should stop straight away when you put your hands out of the water instead of the tap running for 5 more seconds. Then we thought about a filter water bottle that squeezes out drinkable water. After this we had a break. In our break we played some downball as St Bede’s is a big downball school. We played with some other people too. We were having a lot of fun but the break had finished. After we got back into the classroom we had to make something that is needed to not waste any important substances out of cardboard. We decided we would make a hydrogen car to reduce pollution. We really enjoyed making the hydrogen car as we used all kinds of materials. It was fascinating at the end as the car really popped and we then got to share it in front of a crowd. It was so much fun and at the end we got our own St Bede’s down ball.
Written by Mia H
Last Tuesday a few students went to St Bedes. We came there and got our name tags. On our name tags it said our name and what we were doing. We were all doing engineering. We did engineering and the topic was sustainability. we had to figure out something to create that is sustainable so we made a car that had a hydrop engine. It was powered by hydrogen and we put titanium around it because it was the strongest metal and for support we added an extra layer of rubber.
This was all so fun, especially putting it together using Make Do. We later had a break. We played downball and went to the library. After the second break we did some finishing touches on our car engine and called it STM Hydro.
Written by Olivia T
Last Tuesday five year 5 students were selected to go to M Cubed - a fun filled day with many maths learning opportunities at St Bede's College.
All five of us chose the engineering class, where we were taught the basics of engineering as well as the significance of sustainability. Our task was to find a sustainable solution to a local problem. We took on the problem of pollution, which we solved by powering cars with hydrogen. It was incredible to see the STM Hydro prototypes progress as the day went on and I'm really proud of the final product.