Calendar of Events 

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Term 3 2024, Monday 15th July to Friday 20th September

Friday 30th August

Father’s Day / Special Friends Breakfast 7:30am

followed by Mass 9:15am

Monday 2nd SeptemberHOLT Athletics
Friday 6th SeptemberUniform Store Open 3:00pm
Monday 9th SeptemberInquiry Expo Week
Monday 9th SeptemberThe Arts Show opens everyday 3:30pm to 4:00pm
Friday 13th SeptemberThe Arts Show Fun Friday, free sausage sizzle
Tuesday 17th SeptemberUniform Store Open 3:30pm
Friday 20th SeptemberFooty Day
Friday 20th SeptemberEnd of Term, students dismissed 1pm


Term 4 2024, Monday 7th October to Tuesday 17th December

Monday 7th OctoberStudents commence Term 4
Friday 11th OctoberUniform Store Open 3:00pm
Monday 14th OctoberPrep P&F Cake Stall
Wednesday 16th OctoberSacrament of Reconciliation Family Faith Night 6pm
Thursday 24th OctoberCath McCallig Family Education Webinar 7pm
Friday 25th OctoberWorld Teacher’s Day
Saturday 26th OctoberP&F Met Gala Fundraiser, 7:30pm
Monday 28th OctoberSchool Closure, student free 
Wednesday 30th OctoberSacrament of Reconciliation 6pm
Friday 1st NovemberAll Saints Day Mass, 9:15am
Monday 3rd NovemberSchool Closure, student free day
Tuesday 5th NovemberMelbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 6th NovemberDon Bosco Camp Safety Beach Camp Year 5&6
Thursday 7th NovemberDon Bosco Camp Safety Beach Camp Year 5&6
Friday 8th NovemberDon Bosco Camp Safety Beach Camp Year 5&6
Monday 11th NovemberRemembrance Day
Wednesday 27th NovemberKABOOM! Sports
Friday 29th NovemberSchool Closure, student free day
Thursday 5th DecemberSt Mary’s College Carols
Friday 6th DecemberFeast of the Immaculate Conception Mass 9:15am
Tuesday 10th DecemberSt Mary’s Primary School Carols 5pm
Thursday 12th DecemberYear 6 Graduation Mass 5pm
Friday 13th DecemberBlessing of Community Garden Project
Monday 16th DecemberYear 6 Big Day In
Tuesday 17th DecemberEnd of Year Mass 9:15am
Tuesday 17th DecemberEnd of Term, students dismissed 1pm