Wellbeing News

Transition to High School

Child Safety

The Child Safe Standards (the Standards) are compulsory minimum standards for all Victorian schools to ensure they are well prepared to keep children and young people safe and protect them. This year as part of our school review, we were able to demonstrate and provide clear evidence of how we comply with the 11 standards that help keep children safe. 


As part of the 11 standards, we mustprovide opportunities for children and young people to be empowered about their rights, to participate in decisions affecting them, and to provide safe environments where they feel they can be listened to. 


This week the children took part in Australia’s Biggest Child Safety Lesson. We wanted to ensure that students had an opportunity to build on their current learning around Help Seeking as part of our school wellbeing program. We focused on the 2021 theme of Help Seeking and discussed the following key outcomes:

  • To RECOGNISE safe and unsafe situations and body clues
  • To REACT to keep ourselves safe 
  • To REPORT unsafe situations

We wanted to share some learning the students were able to reflect on following their safety lesson. 


Mackenzie 3/4O - “I learnt that children should always have a right to feel safe. It’s always ok to ask an adult for help. It’s not your job to take care of what's happening if you feel unsafe, it’s the job of an adult but it is your job to tell an adult. You must always listen to your body's clues, it could be shivering, sweaty, heart pumping fast, this is a clue you may be unsafe.”


Taeysha 3/4O - “All kids have a voice. A safety helper team is a group of people that you feel safe with to talk to about a problem you may have”. 


Palash 5/6S - We learnt about how important it is to recognise, react and report as it helps us to deal with situations and stay safe. Listen to your body signs!


Himi 5/6S - Always be careful and trust your instincts.


Khaile 3/4L - It is important to talk to an adult about a problem you may have. Kids Helpline is also available for kids to use if they are having problems or need help. A safety team is 5 people that you trust to listen to you if you need. 



Prep N - Ezekiel 




Wellbeing Team 


Kathy Blythe

Wellbeing Leader


Chiara Genovese

Learning Diversity Leader



Simone Whitehead

Family Engagement Leader