Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients

Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.

  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity
  • Creativity
  • Reflection
  • Motivation
  • Resilience

On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.


We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.



Week 6



This award is going to you for showing resilience during our Maths lessons. You show eagerness by coming up the front to have a go during floor time when we learn about our new concept for the lesson. You set a great standard for an engaged learner at SMDP. Well done! 



For being a curious learner who participated in each new and exciting book week activity.  All the grade ½ teachers reported that Yashraj stayed with his class, followed directions and had fun learning through stories. Well done Yashraj, you should feel proud of your effort on Friday.



For being a motivated learner during our writing sessions. You have shown excellent effort, especially when creating an interesting and imaginative setting for your narrative this week. What a great example for the rest of the class.  Keep up the fantastic work Eamon and continue to let your creativity shine! 



For being a motivated learner this week, particularly during transitions. Ezra made  special efforts to transition to the classroom after lunch and recess calmly and quietly. This allowed him to be ready for great learning immediately. Once on the carpet, he listened carefully and engaged in discussions to extend his learning. Well done, Ezra. 



For being a resilient learner in the classroom this week. You have been working on staying focussed and have taken feedback onboard with a positive attitude. We really enjoyed hearing all about your day in the snow and your description was very detailed. Well done Patline!



For being a reflective learner in the classroom last week! Hartlyn had a positive attitude towards learning and supported her group during collaborative tasks. She has also been regulating her learning so that she can finish tasks to a high standard. Well done Hartlyn!



For being a collaborative and motivated learner. Last week, Taeysha worked hard to complete all learning tasks and worked effectively with her peers to solve any problems. Keep up the great work, Taeysha!



For being a curious learner on our excursion. Jasper asked thoughtful questions to find new information demonstrating his thirst for knowledge.  



For being a resilient learner. You are always up for a challenge and willing to share your thinking and strategies with the class.  You are also willing to help others during  tasks, and bell a role model to others. Keep up the great work, Jay!



For being a motivated and resilient learner. You use tools in the classroom to support your understanding, and have been considering and communicating what you need to do your best learning. You have displayed these traits  not only in class but in the various roles you have undertaken for our school musical! Keep driving your learning Areeb!



For being a collaborative learner.  You can work well with anyone in our class and are quick to share your thoughts and ideas.  You are especially helpful when it comes to working with technology and offering advice. You are also performing a valuable role in our musical, adding your own moves!  Thanks Athesh!

Week 7


Aadya N

For being a resilient learner by working hard on your reading goals! You have shown such focus and perseverance when sounding out letters and blending together to be a superstar reader. You should be as proud of yourself as I am of you! Well done!



For being a reflective learner who works tirelessly to learn about the influence of his feelings on his work and actions.  He should be very proud of his achievement in making good choices that help him to deliver top quality work in all learning tasks. Great job Ezekiel! 



For being a motivated learner especially in your narrative writing. You always try your best, listen carefully to feedback, and work hard to make your writing even better. Your enthusiasm and effort have been shining through in every piece you write. Keep up the amazing work, Elsie—your dedication to improving your writing is wonderful to see!



For being a motivated learner this week and trying really hard to keep her focus while on the carpet. She organised herself so that she was ready to learn and limited distractions around her so that she could take part in the learning discussions. Well done, Sia!



For being a creative learner, you took a risk with your writing this past week and bounced ideas with teachers to take your learning to the next level. Your narrative story really came to life with your sizzling start and we were just blown away. Well done Izzy, you should be so proud! 



For being a reflective and motivated learner who is continuously driving his learning, especially in literacy! Jett has been completing tasks to a high standard and acting on teacher feedback. Keep up the sensational work Jett!



For being a motivated learner during our literacy sessions. Jaiveer has shown a positive attitude towards his learning and demonstrated motivation to complete his literacy grid tasks. Keep driving your learning, well done Jaiveer! 



For being a curious learner who asks questions, makes predictions and is eager to explore. Ramielle is always keen to find out about new topics. Well Done Ramielle!



For being a creative learner. You are  focused and committed to learning, your illustrations showing your understanding of the story “Jenny’s Angel” was a great example of your dedication to your learning. Keep up the great work Mehr, you are such a positive role model in our class! Well done. 



For being a creative learner.  You have been taking inspiration from Margaret Wild’s words during our latest Grammar in Context unit. Using this example, you have written descriptive and thoughtful sentences for your own narrative. I can’t wait to read the finished piece! Keep up this focussed attitude Ryan.



For being a reflective learner.  You think about your learning and choices at school and take positive steps to act on any feedback you receive. You consider others and can see things from different perspectives.  You are kind and thoughtful and always quick to offer help!  Thanks Jackson!