Principal's Message

I often speak to staff about primary schools as places that create lifetime memories. 


My fondest memories of attending Lancaster Primary School was our end of year Christmas Concert. Each class was responsible for an item, Santa came and each student received a present, then we all gorged on the homemade cakes, sandwiches and slices that the mums all supplied. For the rest of the night the kids played chasey in the dark outside. Unsupervised! While our parents, predominantly farmers, caught up socially and enjoyed the end of the year together. 


They were special times for me, while growing up.


Next week we are creating lifetime memories for our students when they perform in our school production “This is Greatest Show.”


This year's performance promises to be a spectacular showcase of our students' talents and a celebration of our commitment to nurturing the whole child.


While we strive for excellence in literacy and numeracy, we also believe in fostering a well-rounded education. Our school concert provides a unique opportunity for students to explore their creative passions and develop their performing arts skills. Whether it's singing, dancing, or acting, our students have been working hard to prepare for this exciting event.

Our staffs' commitment and hard work combined with Jane, our music teacher's creative vision, guarantees an amazing night.


I hope when our students get to my age they can reflect, laugh and share their primary school memories with the people they admire and respect.

SLOW DAY - STAY AT HOME IF YOU CAN - Friday 13th September  

We have put a lot of time, passion and resources into ensuring our whole school performance ‘This is the Greatest Show’ is a memorable experience for all of our students and in turn for you, our community.


All students are required to attend and perform on the two nights. We understand this will result in some tired and grumpy students (and teachers!) by Friday.


For this reason we are having a SLOW DAY on Friday September 13th where students are welcome to, and encouraged to stay home if this doesn't impact on parent/carers work commitments or have a sleep in and come in for the last half of the day.


Although the day won't be a regular learning day, students will be supervised in larger groupings.

Long Service Leave 

From Friday 13th September I will be taking long service leave. Kate and I are heading off on a road trip to Uluru, in an old borrowed camper trailer. We are traveling with our great friends who are driving a very fancy campervan. I will be returning to school on Monday 14th October. 


While I'm away, I'll leave the school in the very capable hands of Elise and Denise as acting Principals.  


Imagine if, in about 20 minutes you could help improve our school. 


We are always striving to be even better at what we do and value your ideas, opinions and feedback about how we can improve. You are invited to complete the anonymous Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Survey (MACSSIS). On the 3rd of September you were emailed a letter that contained your steps to complete the survey.


It will take you about 20 minutes to complete. 


The survey CLOSES on Friday 20th September 2024 and it will not be able to be completed after this time. 


Want another reason to complete the survey? There are great prizes to be won.

  • $100 Coles Myer voucher
  • $50 village movie voucher

Once you have completed your survey, email Elise to let her know and she will add your name into the prize draw.


Thank you and God Bless.


Dan Ryan



St Martin de Porres Primary School is committed to creating an environment where the safety, well-being, and participation of all children within our care is paramount. 

2024 - School Closure Days

Listed below are our school closure days for 2024. These are student-free days. Staff use these days to develop their learning further and keep informed with current practices and procedures. 



Monday 4th November

Report Preparation and Writing Day

Friday 6th December

Whole School Planning Day for 2025

NOTE: These dates may be subject to change that may be outside of our control.