Senior School

Year 9 and 10 Subject Changes
Due by Monday 19 August
Any Year 9 or 10 student wishing to change elective subjects is asked to please submit their request, using the Subject Change forms available from the Senior School Office, before the Monday 19 August. Requests after this date are unlikely to be supported. Contact Kate Baldry for further information.
Year 10 Assessment Overview
The Year 10 assessment overview has been shared with students. This document helps students plan and organise their time, and helps to prepare for pre-tertiary studies. Please be aware this document is live and dates may change. All final assessment dates will be confirmed by the class teacher via SEQTA.
We encourage students to make a copy of this document and edit to reflect their subject choices. This will also allow them to include assessments for their electives, and other important commitments.
Please contact Kate Baldry (Deputy Head of Senior School: Learning) or your child’s subject teacher for further information.
Year 9 Assessment Schedules
The Year 9 Assessment Schedule has been shared with students. These provide an overview of major assessment tasks in core areas over the remainder of 2024 and are helpful in supporting good time management and organisational skills.
Please be aware that these dates are indicative and may change. Changes will be shared via SEQTA one week (minimum) before the task date.
Please contact Aaron Davey (Deputy Head of Senior School: Year 9), Kate Baldry (Deputy Head of Senior School: Learning) or your child’s subject teacher for further information.
Year 10 Rotary Youth Driver Awareness Program (RYDA)
Wednesday 21 August
All Year 10 students will take part in the RYDA program. This is a road safety program aimed at reducing death and injury amongst young people on Australian roads. It focuses on the attitude and awareness of young people both as drivers and passengers.
Students are to meet on the outside tennis courts at 8.45am and they will travel by bus to Claremont College. Students will participate in interactive sessions conducted by professional speakers including local police, driving instructors, crash survivors, drug and alcohol experts and financial counsellors.
Students are required to wear their formal school uniform and are encouraged to bring a coat as some sessions are outside. Students can bring their own lunch or Rotary will hold a barbecue for a small cost.
We encourage all Year 10 students to attend this day. If any student has a personal experience of road trauma, they are to let their Health teacher know so that appropriate support can be provided on the day.
An Operoo with all the details of this day has been sent to parents/guardians.
Please contact Trish Menadue for more information.
Parent Presentation on Neurodiversity
Wednesday 28 August | 7pm - 8.30pm at The Farrall Centre
The Middle and Senior School's are embarking on a joint focus on Neurodiversity on Wednesday 28 August encouraging our community to develop a shared language and toolkit on how to create a neuro-affirmative learning space.
We have invited psychologist Emma-Rose Parsons from Spectrum House in Melbourne to assist us in starting a conversation and to provide our students with a greater understanding of neurodiversity. In addition, we will host a parent presentation evening on that day from 7pm until 8.30pm in The Farrall Centre with a focus on how to continue the conversation at home.
This session is suitable for parents of neurodivergent and neurotypical students. Please note this event is for parents only and is not suitable for students to attend.
We will cover topics including:
- Respectful boundaries
- Safe risk-taking
- Emotional regulation & stress management
- Understanding neuro-divergence in your school (ADHD and Autism)
Please book using the link here.
Theatre Excursion for Senior School Drama and Theatre students
Thursday 22 August
Drama and Theatre students in Years 11 and 12 will travel to the Theatre Royal to see Past the Shallows.
Presented by Australian Theatre for Young People and Tasmania’s own Archipelago Productions, this show is described as; Harry and Miles' dad, an abalone diver, disappears with his grief into the deep waters of Tasmania’s wild south coast. 15-year-old Miles is left to care for Harry, who’s just 10 years old. Soon, the bonds anchoring the family become frayed. Adapted by playwright Julian Larnach from Favel Parrett’s award-winning debut novel and directed by Ben Winspear, Past the Shallows sees the roiling sea beyond the shoreline becoming a metaphor for the turmoil that accompanies incalculable loss. Together the family rides rogue waves of violent masculinity; and the tender swells of brotherhood that might just carry them home’. (Theatre Royal website)
Students and their teachers will travel to the venue by bus on Thursday morning and be returned to school by lunch time. All students will engage in follow up discussions and required written assessment in response to this show.
Please contact Tammy Giblin for more information
Live Parent Webinar: How You Can Make Technology an Ally (& Not the Enemy!)
Wednesday 21August | 6.30-7.30pm
Elevate works with our students, delivering high-impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series, you’ll learn how you can help support your child at home by reinforcing the skills they’re learning at school.
Sign up for the session below to learn how you can help your child break free from tech addiction before exams and improve the quality of their revision.
Click here to register for free
Old Scholars’ Memorial Grant for Year 11 Tuition 2025
Applications for the Old Scholars’ Memorial Grant are now open. The Grant is open to current students, continuing on to Year 11, who have an alumni connection in the previous generations (e.g. parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc). There is one grant of $4,000 towards Year 11 fees in Term 1 2025 for a student who is academically sound, an active participant in the life of the School and strong in service. Applications can be submitted online by Monday 28 October at 4pm.
For more information please contact Adam Chambers.
The 2024 Service Quiz Night
Friday 30 August at The Farrall Centre | 6.30pm for 7pm start
The Senior Stewardship Committee and Staff Service Coordinators warmly invite you to the 2024 Service Quiz Night.
The night will include the special guest quiz master John Xintalevonis, snacks, drinks to purchase, captivating questions, high class entertainment and an assortment of irresistible items to win or bid for as part of our silent auction.
All proceeds will be donated to Friends of Refugee Communities Tasmania (FORCT). So, why not come along and make a difference, all whilst enjoying a spectacular night? Gather some friends and make up a table.
To book a seat or a table please click here.
Year 7-12 House Aquatics Carnival - TOMORROW
Friday 16 August | Hobart Aquatic Centre
The Year 7-12 Carnival will be held at the Hobart Aquatic Centre on Friday 16 August from 8.35am – 3.30pm. Students make their own way to the Aquatic centre and are to arrive no later than 8.35am and sign in to their House area – U H M R from the change room end of the 50m pool. Students are to wear their sports uniform to and from the pool.
Attendance is compulsory for all Years 7-12 School students. Should students be unable to swim they are encouraged to help out with service on the day. Parents are warmly invited to attend. Further information may be viewed here
Senior School Office
Please note that the School Office contact details for Years 9 to 12 are as follows:
Phone: 6210 2255
Important Dates
Term 3 Tuesday 23 July to Friday 27 September
Monday 9 September – Wellbeing Day, as part of Wellbeing Weekend (no K-12 classes)
CLICK HERE to view the School calendar