Primary School

Father's Day Movie
Tuesday 3 September - 5pm to 6.30pm | The Farrall Centre
All students and their families are warmly invited to our Father's Day event to celebrate their Dad, Guardian, Grandparent or special family friend. This is a free event and is accessible to all students and their families. This year we will be offering a viewing of the Dreambuilders, along with complimentary ice cream and popcorn treats.
For more information email Emma Gilligan
BOOK WEEK 2024 - Reading is Magic
Monday 19 - Friday 23 August
Book Week is almost upon us! You are invited to join our week-long celebration and experience the magic of literature as it brings our community together; creates joy through sharing good books; fosters connections across year groups and between students, staff and families; and expands our minds as we enjoy books from a wide range of authors and illustrators.
- Monday 19 August - Main Celebration - Families invited to participate, have a cuppa, stay and read
- Tuesday 20 - Friday 23 August - Sharing Stories - Guest readers required
If you would like to get involved please see the program here.
Co-curricular Photo Day
Thursday 22 August
Primary students will have their co-curricular group photos taken during the school day on Thursday 22 August in The Farrall Centre. Students should wear their appropriate uniform to school, or bring it to change into if their usual Thursday uniform is different. For information about which groups will have photos taken, at what time and what to wear please see this schedule.
Lockdown Drill
Thank you to students, staff and families for participating and supporting yesterday's practice lockdown drill. The drill was completed successfully on the Argyle Street Campus. Well done and a special thank you to those who had their learning and teaching activities disrupted. Lockdown and evacuation drills provide us with the opportunity to test our safety communication infrastructure (bells and sounders) and to practice the associated processes. If you have any feedback, please email Mark Natoli.
Year 2 Outdoor Education Excursion - Waterworks Reserve
Friday 16 August
Year 2 will be heading to Waterworks Reserve by bus with their class teachers and Outdoor Education Teacher, Emily Ardas. Students will be exploring animal adaptations, primarily through the study of animal scatt. We will be departing at 9.15am returning back to school by 3pm. Students should wear sports uniforms on this day, but will need to bring a warm jumper or coat/jacket, beanie, gloves and a waterproof raincoat as it could be very cold. As we will be away from school for most of the day, students will need to bring a large packed lunch (no lunch orders), snacks and drink from home as well as any required medications for the day. Please update student Operoo profiles before the excursion.
Year 6 Excursions to Hobart Youth Arts and Recreation Centre and Hadley’s Art Prize
Friday 23 August
Year 6 students will walk to the Hobart Youth Arts and Recreation Centre (YARC) and Hadley’s Orient Hotel to deepen their inquiry into ‘How we express ourselves.’ Our guides at YARC will show us recent work by young people in Hobart that responds to current local issues and expresses feelings and ideas in a range of media. Our focus at the Hadley’s Art Prize will be on self expression through visual art. Students will depart school at 8.50am and are to wear their sports uniform and bring a warm layer, rain coat, drink bottle and packed lunch (no lunch orders please). We will return to school at approximately 1.30pm.
Year 4 Outdoor Education Excursion - Seven Mile Beach
Year 4E - Friday 23 and Year 4D - Monday 26 August
On Friday 23 August Year 4E and Monday 26 August Year 4D will be going on an Outdoor Education day with their class teachers and Outdoor Education Teacher, Emily Ardas. The day's focus will be on climate and the impacts it has on the coast and its species. The bus will be departing at 9.00am returning back to school by 3pm. We will begin at Seven Mile beach where the class will explore the coastline and then walk over the headland to Roches Beach/Lauderdale and compare the different coastal environments. Students need to come dressed in their sports uniform, including a warm jacket, beanie, and waterproof raincoat and comfortable shoes to walk in. They should bring a big lunch and lots of snacks (no lunch orders), a full water bottle and any required personal medications (labelled) for the day. We will be returning to school at the end of the school day. Please update student Operoo profiles before the excursion.
Eventide Animal Sanctuary - Free Dress Day
Tuesday 27 August
The Primary Student Council is organising a free dress day on Tuesday 27 August to support a local animal sanctuary - Eventide, which cares for over 145 animals at Carlton River. A donation of a gold coin will support their sanctuary. The theme for this day is animals with suitable clothing and footwear required for participation in all lessons.
Prep Outdoor Education Excursion - Wellington Park
Wednesday 28 August
Prep students will be participating in an Outdoor Education Day at Wellington Park and completing a walk to the Octopus Tree. Class teachers, learning assistants and Emily Ardas, our Outdoor Education teacher, will accompany the students on the excursion. We will be departing school at 9.45am am and returning by 1pm. The aim of the day is to explore the local bushlands while developing relationships with peers. Students are required to wear their Physical Education uniform and sturdy shoes to walk in. They are also to bring a backpack with morning tea and lunch, rain jacket, water bottle, a warm jumper, beanie, sun hat and any required personal medication. Please update student Operoo profiles before the excursion.
Year 5 Outdoor Education Excursion - kunanyi/ Mt Wellington Bushwalk
In the coming weeks Year 5 students will be going in class groups on an Outdoor Education bushwalk on kunanyi/Mt Wellington.
- Year 5C will go on Thursday 29 August
- Year 5AM on Friday 30 August and
- Year 5M on Thursday 5 September
We will be departing at 9am returning back to school by 3pm. The focus for the day is building resilience, working together as a team, exploring the varied ecosystems and learning about the Aboriginal history of the location. We will also do simple bushcraft skills such as map reading and navigation. The walk will start and finish at The Springs via the Octopus Tree, Sphinx Rock, the Sawmill and Organ Pipes Track.
The walk is approximately 5km long with some steep ascending tracks. Students will be required to wear warm sensible free dress clothing that is appropriate to the cold weather that can occur on the mountain - long pants (no jeans), long t-shirt/ thermal shirt, jumper, warm socks and appropriate bushwalking shoes. Students will also need to pack their day bag with a rain jacket, spare warm jacket/coat, beanie, and gloves, spare socks, plenty of food for lunch and snacks (no lunch orders on these days), a big drink bottle of water, and any personal medication.
Year 3 - Outdoor Education Excursion and Sleepover
Thursday 5 - Friday 6 September
The Year 3 School Sleepover will take place from Thursday 5 September until Friday 6 September in The Farrall Centre at school.
On Thursday morning students are to meet in classrooms, in their school sports uniform with their bags and bedding, at 8.45am and attend regular classes until 1pm. At 1pm we will commence a walk to the school grounds at Bell Street for some team building activities. We will then walk to Cornelian Bay Park and return to school by bus at 4pm. Back on campus we will make preparations for the overnight setup and enjoy a lovely community dinner before sleeping overnight in The Farrall Centre Auditorium.
On Friday 6 September the students will participate in an outdoor education day trip from 9.30am to the Alum Cliffs. Students should wear suitable, comfortable outdoor clothing. Students may be collected on Friday afternoon at 2.30pm from their classrooms, if possible.
Detailed information about the sleepover, including a packing list will be provided to parents in the Operoo permission form. Please respond to the Operoo form by Thursday 22 August. If you have any questions please contact your child’s class teacher: Chelsea or Nathan.
Kindergarten Earthcare Excursions - Lenah Valley
Thursdays until 19 September
Kindergarten students continue to visit a site near the Lenah Valley Linear Park for their Earthcare Excursions, going out each week, on Thursdays, from Weeks 2-9. We will travel to and from the site by bus leaving school at 11.50am and returning by 2.45pm. Collection time for all children will be at 3.00pm from the Kindergarten area, at the end of the Kindergarten day as per usual.
On Earthcare days, the children come ready for active learning, in their sports uniform. Your child will need appropriate warm clothing for the forecasted weather and spare clothing packed for the excursions as we will be playing outdoors, even if it is raining. The school has special wet weather jackets and overpants that the children will wear as necessary, depending on the forecasted weather. You can also support your child by encouraging them to carry their own bags to and from school - they will be doing this independently on our Earthcare Days too. Please pack a rubbish free lunch with plenty of food and water for an active day out. We are looking forward to seeing how their natural curiosity and wonder is expressed while we are there and what we can learn about the land we live on as we come to know a place slowly across these weekly visits.
If your child will be absent from school for the day please advise the Primary School Office (phone: 6210 2228, or email: ) and the classroom teacher before 9.00am. We appreciate your support in this process.
Important Dates
Term 3 Tuesday 23 July to Friday 27 September
Monday 9 September – Wellbeing Day, as part of Wellbeing Weekend (no K-12 classes)
CLICK HERE to view the School calendar