P.E. and Sport

What a Wonderful Day of Athletics and Sportmanship!

Yesterday, all Prep to Year 6 students participated at Sorrento Football Oval in a range of modified athletics events (P-2) and general athletics events (Yr 3-6) that also served as the School Trials to select our St Joey's School Aths Team.  Notification for those selected for our school team will be sent out via Operoo shortly to those who have been selected for the team. They will compete in two weeks time at Mornington Athletics Centre against the best of the other nine Phillip District Schools.  


While there were House Points up for grabs for 1st - 5th at our P-6 Athletics Day yesterday, the most valuable of all achievements involved winning a Spirit Award, worth 10 points for their House Team.  While the students certainly treated us all to fast racing, long-throwing, big jumping events, the most spectacular viewing was from our students showing the true meaning of sportsmanship and friendly competition.  From one of our Parent Helpers, I received this feedback tonight:

"Thought I’d share this snap I took of some year 3 boys. These boys supported and cheered each other on all day! When some kids said they couldn’t do it, their peers encouraged them to participate and cheered them on and when some kids walked or stopped, the other boys ran beside them to the finish line. It was extremely humbling to witness!"

Congratulations also to McAULEY House, the house point winners of both the House Spirit Award and also the overall number of house points on 1017 points (including 410 Spirit Award Points).

Thank you so much to all parent helpers, carers, teachers and students for turning on a great day!

Great initiative - Save the Date!

Final details, such as the starting time, will be confirmed closer to the event. 


Warm Regards,

Jenny Todd

Physical Education Specialist & Sports Coordinator
