School Advisory Council

SAC Meeting Summary - Wednesday 12th June    

A very eventful meeting with a lot to cover but among the main highlights I consider everyone should be aware of and be proud of our school are:


NAPLAN great results!! Our little school had growth in every area. Reading was “exceeding” which is the highest. “Strong” in everything else. The programs that the school has running from prep for grade 6 for reading and maths are setting a structured learning environment and the results speak for themselves.


Jacquie Hayes presented as the Learning Diversity Leader and outlined the targeted intervention programs to support students. Students with additional needs have personalised learning plans with clear goals. 


Success in the grant application  will mean new toilets and an extension to the school which will have a music / performing arts area with an additional covered outdoor learning area. The side entrance to the school is finally in use, the grass has just been replaced. The school always aims to keep upgrading its facilities and listens to the Student Council which has now soccer nets at the top oval, a low basketball hoop for the younger ones and a very structured recess with multiple activities to suit different children including a very successful talent competition.


We also welcomed Ashna as a school counsellor who aids kids that are struggling emotionally and she is offering a 1 to 1 interaction with children and parents in a safe private space. Parents can request the meetings or students themselves.


There will be a special youth and children’s mass this 31st August at 6:30pm.


I hope you are all proud to be part of a special school with very dedicated teachers and values to help our children become the best they can be.


Kindest regards,

Adriana Rios