An Engaged Learning Community


Australian Mushroom Growers Association- Mushrooms in Schools Program

Our 5/6 cohort were successful in the ‘Mushroom in Schools Program’. We were sent mushroom boxes and lessons that are all linked to the curriculum and are inquiry based learning. These include focus areas for Maths, Science, Literacy, Humanities and much more. We had great success so far with our mushrooms growing within our predicted time frame and students have already been harvesting some mushrooms and taking them home to cook. We will be cooking some in the coming weeks, following some of the recipes that the students have found and are interested in trying. It has certainly been a lot of fun for students working in teams and being involved in this program.


Italian in 5/6

In Italian we were learning about different pasta and Signora Scandizzo surprised us with a special lunch earlier this term. We had pasta and ice cream. It was delicious! 

Here is what our 5/6 students have to say about our learning so far this Term...


Evie H- I like learning about fungi and how to grow our mushrooms. Our mushroom group is called the Mushroom Murderers and our mushrooms are growing well and need to be as wet as a sponge.


Ella- I liked researching and learning about Olympic athletes. I learnt about their culture and about their life, including their age, country of birth and where they live. I researched and wrote reports on Paul Cleary and Skye Brown. I also liked my excursion for the Dolphin Research Institute, where I learnt about trash traps and how they collect rubbish from rainwater and drains.


Charlotte- This term I have loved Book Day where we go to spend time with our buddies in Prep. I also enjoyed Art where we could do calligraphy. Swimming on Fridays was fun too.


Taki- This term I have liked Science because it was fun building a volcano. We got to explode the volcano with Mr Robbo. We used bicarb soda, vinegar and red food dye.


Shataya- This term I have loved Book Week because we got to do a buddy activity. I also enjoyed Athletics Day because I got five ribbons, which is the best I have achieved and I am also going to District Athletics too. I have also enjoyed calligraphy in Art with Signora Scandizzo. I have also loved hanging out with my friends. 


Zara- This term I have liked Book Week because we got to dress up as a character of choice. I also liked Athletics Day because we got to have a go at different sports that we like. I liked long jump and triple jump. I liked Wakakirri because I got to go to the performance and see my friends create a dance that had meaning and a story. 


Sunny- This term I have enjoyed Athletics Day because I got to compete in everything, my favourite event was the 800m.  


Matilda- This term I have loved Athletics Day because it was really fun to do all the events and try different things and hang out with my friends. I also enjoyed doing it with the younger students too. I also liked the Lions Quiz. 


Seb- This term I have enjoyed the sporting events, being a part of the Dolphin Research Institute and our Visual Art lessons. 


Congratulations to Tahlia, Matilda and Anneke for participating in Lions Quiz and representing St Joseph's at Dromana Primary School.

Above are some of our highlights from our Book Day.