Deutsche Ecke
R-5 Libby Edwards
Yrs 3-6 Emma Chesterman
Deutsche Ecke
R-5 Libby Edwards
Yrs 3-6 Emma Chesterman
Following on from the Torrens Haribo Gold Bear (Gummibärchen) tasting, there have been some conversations in our German learning time about what else we know that comes from Germany or is made in Germany.
Perhaps you have noticed your Staedtler pencils are made in Germany or you have a German brand dishwasher or washing machine. Have a look around your home. What do you own that comes from Germany? If you have packaging or items made in Germany which you could take a photo of OR that could be displayed in the library on the German pinboard, we encourage you to bring them into school. They can be given directly to Frau Chesterman, Frau Edwards or delivered to Gena in the library. We will put all names of students who contribute into a lucky dip, two names drawn at the end of WEEK 8 will win a GERMAN prize!
Frau Edwards
Frau Chesterman