Student Voice

Throughout this term the grade 5 students have been visiting the Bumblebees, 4-year old pre-school children, at Wellington Pre-school on Shaftsbury Drive, Mulgrave.
This partnership is a part of enhancing student voice, agency and leadership to empower students as learners with self efficacy.
The year 5 student’s have been involved in supporting the children during play based activities by encouraging them to take turns, using manners and being responsible.
This week, 5J showed initiative by presenting information about what ‘school life’ is like at SJV and shared some of their experiences. They demonstrated remarkable leadership qualities and received affirming feedback from staff and children.
~ At St John Vianney’s we walk with families to create partnerships that encourage and promote the values of our school throughout the community.
This has been an invaluable partnership which will continue next term.
Keep up the great work!