
St John Vianney's Feast Day!
St John Vianney's feast day is always a day we look forward to celebrating. We started our day in prayer and learning more about St. John Vianney's life, his family and journey of becoming a Saint. Kaboom helped us celebrate with so much energy which rubbed off on the students for a fun filled afternoon!
‘Living things' information reports.
In our last newsletter contribution you would've seen 3/4LS working on information reports. At that early stage they were researching, paraphrasing and beginning to write their report. Students built upon this by planning out how they wanted to present their posters that best represent their animal. We published some amazing information reports and we are so excited to share the final product with you, the students are so proud of the efforts!
Religious Education and Inquiry
As part of our Bible exploration unit in Religious Education we looked closely at the10 commandments. These are the laws that God gave us to help us lead good lives. This led itself nicely to our inquiry focus of rules and laws. After discussing the 10 commandments, in pairs students made up their own 10 laws on how to lead good lives. They came up with great ideas and presented their laws on scrolls in the classroom. Situated close to our classroom door, this is our daily reminder to enter and leave our classroom being the best version of yourself always.