Foundation P

We have been a busy buch in Foundation P!
On Friday, we celebrated the Olympics by partcipating in our school's Potato Olympics.
The students completed a recount about the Potato Olympics and the events that they enjoyed the most.
In Religious Education, we have been learning about The Creation Story and how to care for God's Gifts.
The students all chose a gift from God and wrote a Thank You Prayer.
As part of our Literacy block each morning, we have a Daily Review.
During our Daily Review, we look at an image from a book we focused on in previous weeks and then write a sentence based on the picture.
This week we have been using images from the book 'Ceremony' by Adam Goodes and Ellie Laing. Last week our sentences were based on images from the book 'Somebody's Land' by Adam Goodes, David Hardy and Ellie Laing.
Here are some of the sentences the students created using the images below.
In Maths, our current unit is Measurement and over the past week we have been learning about length and how to measure using informal units.