Team Kids
Term 1
Team Kids
Term 1
Dear Families,
We hope you are all well. Team Kids has still been having loads of fun at our program. We’ve been doing lots of fun art and craft activities like painting boomerangs, we’ve done some construction with cardboard boxes, we’ve made bracelets, necklaces and keychains with beads and lots of other awesome activities. The children always enjoy creating different designs with Hama beads and loombands have been a favourite over the last couple of weeks. We’ve also enjoyed playing basketball, soccer and dodge ball as well as octopus and fruit salad. We still have our family input box on our sign in counter and love to hear your feedback or suggestions on any activities you might like to do so please feel free to pop your ideas in there. We also just wanted to remind families to return their family recipe sheets we sent home with children over the last couple of weeks so we can start planning what food we will be trying at our party in Harmony Week. There is still quite a lot of lost property located inside the Cape Centre it is accessible for you to have a look through at any time throughout the day so if you think you may have misplaced something please come and have a look.
Warm regards,
Julie and Michelle