Hello from ICT

This term in ICT, students have been exploring essential skills to stay safe online. Through rich discussions and hands-on activities, they've practiced empathy in online communication and learned to trust their feelings when something feels uncomfortable. We've also focused on strategies for staying safe online and where to seek help when needed.


Prep students have been mastering the basics of computers, practicing how to use their keyboards, trackpads, and touch screens to navigate websites with ease.


Year 1 and 2 students have deepened their technical knowledge, particularly around the keyboard. They’ve engaged in both online and offline games and activities to become more familiar with the keyboard layout—and even had fun building their own keyboards!


Year 3 and 4 students have explored what goes on inside a computer. They’ve learned about the various components of a computer and identified key hardware. Additionally, they’ve discussed how peripherals expand the capabilities of a computer.


Year 5 students have spent time improving their typing accuracy and confidence. They’re now beginning to code their own games, identifying the features of their favourite games to incorporate into their own creations.


Year 6 students have ventured into 3D design, learning to create prototypes with movement. Each student is developing a hinged 3D design that can be printed in place. These prototypes will form the foundation for their design ideas, which they will continue to refine throughout the term.


Resources for Home:

  • The Alannah & Madeline Foundation offers resources to help Australian families build essential digital skills, reducing the risk of online harm and empowering families to navigate the digital world safely. Visit here for more information.
  • The eSafety Commissioner provides a range of free webinars to equip parents and carers with the tools and knowledge to support their children's online safety. To browse and register, click here.